I came to faith from a non-Christian, non-religious family that was very dysfunctional. In some ways that was an advantage to my development in Christ after being born again. Why? Because I didn’t have the lack of reasoning that seems to hinder so many believers today. Reason is the God given tool that we all are born with as human beings, but it can be easily compromised by false or misleading tradition or training. These influences put blinders on people’s ability to reason out what works and what doesn’t.
Belief, Faith, Grace, Justice, Obedience to God, Personal Life, Reading the Bible, Trusting God, Truth
Are We Hearing Correctly?
Belief, Discipleship, Faith, Hearing From God, Humility, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Prayer, Truth
Do We Understand What God’s Power Is For? (Part 2)
Belief, Discipleship, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Reading the Bible, Spiritual Warfare, Trusting God, Truth
When Is The Church Going To Get Serious? (Part 3 )
Belief, Complacency, Discipleship, Justice, Lifestyle Christianity, Loving Others, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Spiritual Warfare, Truth
What You “THINK & DO” About Evil Matters!(Part 8)
Belief, Complacency, Discipleship, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Reading the Bible, Spiritual Warfare, Truth