So often we go to counseling to help us unravel our past to reveal the things that might have had a negative impact on our lives and therefore cause us to respond to people or behave in some negative way. There is a lot of good that can come from counselors who are gifted in discerning and unraveling past issues and encounters, but have you ever heard of a person going to a counselor and asking the question of why they behave well and make good sound decisions? I’ve been counseling people for nearly 40 years now and in all that time not one person has asked that question.
Belief, Christ's Love, Complacency, Discipleship, Grace, Justice, Lifestyle Christianity, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God
Does Your Past Perception Affect Your Current Faith?
Belief, Character, Discipleship, Humility, Justice, Lifestyle Christianity, Loving Others, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God
Great Leaders or Great Talkers (Part 4)
Belief, Complacency, Discipleship, Grace, Healing, Hearing From God, Humility, Lifestyle Christianity, Our Soul, Personal Life, Spiritual Warfare, Trusting God
When Your Journey Seems Long & Hard
Belief, Character, Christ's Love, Complacency, Discipleship, Humility, Lifestyle Christianity, Loving Others, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God
What Kind Of Servant are You?
Belief, Character, Discipleship, Healing, Hearing From God, Lifestyle Christianity, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God
Are We Cooperating Or Resisting?
Complacency, Discipleship, Grace, Justice, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God
Discovering Unfailing Love (part 2)
Belief, Discipleship, Grace, Healing, Hearing From God, Lifestyle Christianity, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God
Are You Overpacked?
Belief, Character, Current Events, Generosity, Healing, Lifestyle Christianity, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God