When I was around 25 years old I was coming home to my home town of Santa Cruz, California after spending about five years in a ministry called Youth With A Mission in which I traveled as a missionary throughout the US and Europe. I was coming home with no money, no job, no car and no church family. My parents were not Christians and did not understand why I would be so serious about my faith to the point that I would spend my self and my resources in serving God’s purpose. Because of this, they would only provide a place for me to live temporarily until I got a job and a vehicle. Approaching my grandfather for a loan seemed to be about my only option.
Belief, Character, Discipleship, Healing, Hearing From God, Lifestyle Christianity, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God
Are We Cooperating Or Resisting?
Belief, Discipleship, Grace, Healing, Hearing From God, Lifestyle Christianity, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God
Are You Overpacked?
Belief, Character, Current Events, Generosity, Healing, Lifestyle Christianity, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God