In this world most things are anything but reliable. Whether we look at the stock market or the price of gas, it seems everything is in flux and this can cause great anxiety in most of us. Whether it’s a product or a relationship it seems everything and everybody is beyond the value of our personal trust. But what if we could discover something that was so reliable that each person, regardless of the station in life they find themselves, or the country they live in, could find that something or someone to give ourselves over to 100%? Wouldn’t we grab the chance of such fulfillment, regardless of the cost? I believe there is is only one thing, or one person in the universe, that is worthy of that kind of trust.
Belief, Christ's Love, Discipleship, Grace, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God
Discovering Unfailing Love (part 1)
Belief, Character, Discipleship, Grace, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life