When we as Christians talk about walking in the spirit do we acknowledge the fact that many people walk and are led by the demonic realm and not the Holy Spirit? When watching the nightly news one has to consider the “Demonic Realm” as having a major role in the violence and hatred that is happening. The terrorist group Hamas murdered thousands of innocent civilians, including killing babies, for no more reason they they hate Jews. If one can not see evil personified then we are hopelessly ignorant and will surely suffer for it. The world denied evil in Hitler and his Nazi regime and the world experienced a world war because of it.
Belief, Complacency, Current Events, Discipleship, Faith, Lifestyle Christianity, Loving Others, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Spiritual Warfare
What Does it Mean To Walk in the Spirit? (Part 1)
Belief, Character, Discipleship, Hearing From God, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life
Where Does Your Identity Come From?
Belief, Complacency, Discipleship, Faith, Generosity, Hearing From God, Lifestyle Christianity, Loving Others, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life
The Process of Transformation
Belief, Discipleship, Grace, Hearing From God, Lifestyle Christianity, Our Soul, Personal Life, Reading the Bible
Exchanging Intimacy for Knowledge
Belief, Complacency, Discipleship, Grace, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Reading the Bible, Spiritual Warfare, Trusting God
Would People Describe You As Radical?
Belief, Character, Discipleship, Hearing From God, Lifestyle Christianity, Personal Life, Trusting God
Do You Choose Your Friends Wisely?
Belief, Discipleship, Faith, Healing, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Prayer
Miracles Don’t Always Happen As We Think They Should
Belief, Communion, Complacency, Discipleship, Grace, Humility, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life
Do We Get The Meaning of Jesus’ Words?
Belief, Character, Complacency, Discipleship, Faith, Hearing From God, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life