I recently watched the movie about the end of the apostle Paul’s life called, “The Apostle Paul”, which just came out on DVD. Although I usually like action and sci-fi movies a lot, this film was captivating to me for a number of other reasons. One of the main things that struck me was being reminded of people from the time of Christ paying a great price for their faith. Most Americans don’t really relate to suffering for their faith because in America we may possibly get ridiculed for our belief, but rarely do we pay any significant loss of property or bodily harm. There are exceptions, but few.
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Are You Overpacked?
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Father’s Day & The Basics
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Are You “Pig-Headed”?
Belief, Christ's Love, Discipleship, Grace, Lifestyle Christianity, Obedience to God, Our Soul, Personal Life, Trusting God
Discovering Unfailing Love (part 1)
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The Importance of Refuge
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Have You “Tasted” God’s Goodness?
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