Success in our walk with God often requires getting all the help we can because of the unseen world around us.  Yet, many believers never consider angels in that equation, including me. Why would we overlook such help in times of need? Many may believe that we are not important enough for such assistance.  Others may be discouraged because few pastors teach any kind of practical knowledge about angels.  Unfortunately, it seems that the average seminary that prepares pastors for ministry either doesn’t believe in the supernatural or they just have no experience with it….. or both.

Just being aware of the reality of angels seems hard enough for most of us, but receiving assistance from them takes an act of faith for God to move through His angels to help us. This requires a practical respect for God and his kingdom. Since angels are God’s servants, they take very seriously any disrespect we might have or project toward God and his ways. Truth be told, I think we fail to see how our thoughts and behavior are disrespectful towards God.  If we actually sat down and evaluated how we don’t seek the kingdom of God first, according in Matthew 6:33, we should see our shortcoming. There is a significant difference between what we say we believe and accept biblically and on our actions on a daily basis.

That being said, the question of the possibility of angels being called to help us in our life journey still seems far fetched for many professing Christians. If we can answer why we hold such disbelief then maybe we can move into greater faith towards what scripture says.  Maybe then God would provide us with such supernatural assistance. David learned, far before he became a great man and a king, that God’s angels are positioned to help those that fear him.

Psalms 34:7                                                                                                                                                                                                   The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him & rescues them.

This passage of scripture about angels assisting us does not say they only help the people with titles or important jobs in this life but rather they help the people that fear the Lord. David uses the word “ENCAMPS” around us to inform us that supernatural power does far more than just stopping by once in a while but actually hangs out when God’s people walk in the fear of the Lord.

An interesting side note is when I became a believer during the Jesus Movement in December 1969, we expected the supernatural because we read the gospels. Seeing the supernatural in scripture motivated us to keep our eyes open rather than shut.

So, back to David’s statement about angels camping out with God fearing people.  It would be important to answer the question of whether we actually fear the Lord or if we just like God. Fearing God implies we have great respect for who he is and consequently demonstrate our respect for him. Again, the question is how do we respect him or show respect towards him? Do we give him our attention or just visit him when we are in need? Do we respect what he says in his word or just give his word lip service?  In other words, do we boast about his word but don’t bother to really apply it? If you’re wondering if angels can help you, ask yourself how you treat God first. Do you treat him as side point or a main point in your life?

Psalms 34:11-14                                                                                                                                                                                                 Come, my children, and listen to me, and I will teach you to fear the LORD. [12] Do any of you want to live a life that is long and good? [13] Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from telling lies! [14] Turn away from evil and do good. Work hard at living in peace with others.

It’s interesting that David, teaching on the fear of the Lord, basically tells us to watch what comes out of our mouths. This is not what most people think of when considering the fear of the Lord and yet scripture says out of the abundance of the mouth our hearts speak. (Luke 6:45)

As a side note, I believe I had one powerful encounter with two angels when I was ministering in England back in 1973. That encounter caused me to change my direction heading towards an airport that ultimately saved me from spending hundreds of dollars and having to stay an extra 10 days in that country. I have shared the full story before and at another time I will share the details. The point is that when we need it, most angels are there to practically help if we just believe.

A second aspect of who angels look after or assist is in what the apostle Paul wrote in the book of Hebrews.  Paul says angels are called to care for those who will receive salvation. In other words, they are called to help those that have been redeemed by God to live as God designed.  Receiving salvation implies being converted in our thinking and our actions. It implies our loyalty to God and his kingdom are what define us.

Hebrews 1:14                                                                                                                                                                                                 But angels are only servants.  They are spirits sent from God to care for those who will receive salvation.

Paul speaks further in chapter 13 about encounters with possible angels because they often come disguised as ordinary people. Paul tries to encourage all of us to think and look with faith as we engage with others because the very people we are helping may in fact be sent to help us. Paul says “to entertain strangers”, not with the idea of putting on a show for them but to show kindness and generosity.

Hebrews 13:2                                                                                                                                                                                                 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

This passage seems to imply that we could be evaluated by these angelic people. I wonder if they are sent by God to see if we are worthy of their assistance by testing our willingness to share with strangers or whether we are just talkers in the Christian faith. All the tests that God provides for us are meant to help us move forward in faith and reliance to him. Tests are meant to show us our strengths and weaknesses.

So, the question is: will we walk by faith?  This question implies that we can’t see well what goes on in the spirit and raise our expectation of getting all the help we need or could use. Once again, angels are not just sent to assist the important people or leaders. They are sent to all of us that will inherit salvation when Jesus returns again. Remember that in the last days, times will get really tough to live in faith because of all the darkness and loss of love. We just might need a helping hand to live as the Father prepares us for our eternal home to be with him and all the saints that have gone before us.


1) Looking back over your past, is it possible you had a helpful encounter with God? Let that possibility fuel your passion to walk in the spirit and be expectant.

2) Would you like to be assisted by an angel in the future? Confess the Word of God as being true and then keep your eye and ears open for a move of God on your behalf.

Longing to see the angels of God daily!

Pastor Dale
