Have you noticed how the world today is intolerant of anything godly? Just a few years ago the world was pushing for people to be more tolerant, which in some ways seemed like a good idea, yet the tolerant propaganda was just a Trojan Horse to get our society flexible toward wholesale liberal ideas which are against Judeo Christian foundations. Most of all, they wanted people from religious persuasions that believed in the God of the Bible to stop talking about morals and ethics all together. The trick was to get Christians and moral people to shut up and just be quiet as these social engineers attempted to change our country. The worst part is that many Christians did just what they were told. They got quiet instead of getting louder to expose the lies of the liberal left that want nothing to do with God and ethics. 

Once the idea of TOLERANCE was embraced by society at large and tolerance seemed acceptable to everyone, then came the judgmental words about attitudes and beliefs that were different from the current ones.  These anti-theist started ripping ideas on marriage, parental rights and even sexual behavior apart. The nightly news came out swinging against anything Christian in order to shame and silence the Christian Right by calling moral people bigots and racists in an attempt to silence them.  Their goal all along was not tolerance but attacking the Christian beliefs in a creator who made man in his own image, as well as a God who set morals and standards for mankind in the Bible.

I remember when Time Magazine came out with a front cover in July 1966 that asked the question, “IS GOD DEAD?”  The belief that God was now irrelevant was finally possible because the liberal theologians had joined the social left camp in liberal universities and had proved there was no God in the world. During the 50’s and 60’s, the teaching of evolution in public schools paved the way to move the culture away from morals that God defined.  Now, for the most part, Christians keep silent because they believe that is the Christian thing to do. The idea of being “Nice” seemed more important than taking a stand for their beliefs.

The Time magazine article suggested that the world was coming to the realization that belief in the “traditional” God (the God of the Bible) was no longer tenable.  This God, then, was not only dead but had never existed in the first place; it was the possibility of belief in this creator God that was endangering the true advancement of culture according to these secularists.

This so called truth of tolerance was far from being accurate.  In fact, believers in the God of the Bible finally took a stand to say “NO, HE IS NOT DEAD”!….. He is very much alive and holds all things together in the universe. It was at this time, during the 60s and 70s, that God sent a revival called the Jesus Movement.  Thousands of people, young and old, came to Christ and shifted the cultural debate. Scripture states where sin abounds grace abounds so much more. (Rom 5:20)

Paul the apostle wrote to the first century believers that a time was coming when the shire notion of a supreme being called God would not be tolerated because people’s hearts would become so cold and hateful that love, true love would be drowned out.

2 Timothy 3:1-4                                                                                                                                                                                            But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 

Every generation of believers since Paul penned this prophecy have thought that theirs was the generation Paul talked about. They were convinced they were experiencing the last days, and yet Jesus did not return and still we wait. But what if our generation just may be the one in which Jesus returns? Not until now has the idea of a creator been so rejected by cultures all around the world. In Paul’s day people believed in many gods but today it’s a different story. From politicians who claim to believe in God yet demonstrate they neither believe in him nor follow him to churches throughout the land that act more like Israel of old during the time of the Judges where each person did what is right in their own eyes rather than God’s. What if Jesus is coming back in our generation? One thing is sure, we had better be ready with our lamps filled with oil, the symbol of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 25)

With the politicians and the nightly news demanding we reject the true God and his old fashion morals and standards maybe we are the generation Paul talked about. The world we live in masquerades a belief in a god of their own making where anything goes except what the scripture reveals. 

The worse part to me now is that professing Christians often go to liberal churches that embrace everything the world believes in and focus on entrainment and self help sermons or they go to Reformed churches which teaches members they can’t choose anything unless God wills it for them. They are taught that most people are destined to go to hell before they were ever born and a few people are destined to be saved, which they can do nothing to prevent it. This concept is a total perversion of God’s sovereignty and denies that man has free will to choose heaven or hell. The later group tends to instill in its members a measure of elitism that they condemn other believers from other churches who think differently than their orthodoxy.  Yet there are some churches that love Jesus deeply and follow his word to love others. It appears they tend to be more far and few between. Remember, Paul said in the last days men’s hearts would grow cold. Sometime churches create a spiritual climate that fosters such coldness and it’s not Satan doing this, he just lets the seminaries that teach pastors do it for him.

The question is, when will true believers in the Lord Jesus start to take a stand for what they say they believe without being hateful or judgmental? When is the authentic church going to stand up against the sectarian ways that the modern church seems to gravitate towards? When will honest believers be willing to reason with people both in the church and outside it in love? I think if these are indeed the last days God will send one last true revival where hearts will soften towards the Lord and other people, saved or unsaved. The religious people will grow colder as the world does but the saved will grow more passionate and have extraordinary boldness for the God they love.

My heart longs for the another revival like the Jesus movement.  I got saved and it turned my world upside down for good and not for evil. I pray for churches that teach people to love others like Jesus did to flourish and evangelize to the world around them. I pray all of us will seek the Lord as never before lest we also become compromised like so many have.

May all of us who call ourselves believers and followers in Jesus Christ do more than just talk about God’s love and open our mouths before a lost and dying world.


1) Have you been captivated by the idea of tolerance? Understand this is fabrication of the liberal left that wants this country turned upside down. Pray for discernment, study the scripture to see what Jesus taught about the end times before his return.

2) Have you become timid and insecure about standing for Jesus in your daily life? True boldness should come from being filled with the Holy Spirit. In him we can and should be bold as lions.

May the Holy Spirit wake up the entire church to the coming of Jesus – Maranatha!

Pastor Dale
