With all the upheaval going on in the country it is easy to watch the nightly news and become frightened and discouraged as you wonder why God does not intervene. Is it possible that God is in all this turmoil? Although I don’t believe God is causing all this, I do believe he is stripping the mask off of evil to expose the lies of Satan and it is getting ugly!

I have to confess that I really dislike when people say or post things like, “Don’t worry, God Is In Control” when often God lets humanity be in control.  God often gets blamed for the wrong happening or people are made to believe God that is going to do a miracle and all the rotten things happening will soon end. God moves in history but he doesn’t cause history to happen like we think.

Believers have been taught many screwy ideas about why things happen in our lives that are often contradictory. Too many times the excuse is claiming some of God’s truth is a “Paradox” which in reality is just a plain misinterpretation of scripture or of the character of God. The justification for these ideas are all too often meant to make God look bigger than life but instead they make Christians look like idiots or worse while making God look like a a mean tyrant.  How many wars have been blamed on God by both sides of a conflict in order to get people to fight in them? In reality, when you look at the reasons for war, it’s generally because one country wants what another country has and thus they use God to justify their fighting “a just war.”

Right now, the price of everything is sky rocketing and it’s not God who is behind the pain we all are feeling. I am not a big end time thinker but I do think we are at a pivotal time in history that either America will have a healthy course correction in it’s morality or it will become entrenched in a downward spiral of evil without the possibility of recovery. All too often Christian speakers and writers claim prophecy to justify their end times theory but, in this case, what America is going through is divinely orchestrated by God for a good reason.

God does not supernaturally change history but works with the will of man to accomplish certain outcomes. When Israel failed to keep their end of the covenant with God, he used other nations to torment Israel until they repented of their evil practices or cause the nation of Israel to cease to exist because of their stubborn and hard hearts. In the book of Judges in particular, God uses a nation like the Midianite to torment Israel until the Jewish people cried out for God’s help. God would then raise up a leader like Gideon, who ends up leading Israel to victory against this secular nation. God uses circumstances to get our attention and sometimes those circumstances are extremely painful. God used the Philistines to do the same thing when King Saul failed God and his word.  He used David to redeem Israel out of their rebellion. King Saul led Israel towards corruption and David brought them back from such corruption. God was working behind the scenes but he was not supernaturally manipulating events. The reason for acting thus is because God gave man free will and he doesn’t take that away every time we screw up our lives.

America has been slowly, over the last 100 years or so, gone farther and farther from God. The organized church, instead of being the salt and light God intend her to be, has been complacent in much of the downfall of morals and spiritual darkness in this country. So, here we are in a downward spiral of spiritual darkness and the church has not done nearly enough to be the salt and light before a secular culture.

So often, religious leaders claim God is “SOVEREIGN” in their theology while not being the Jesus the culture desperately needs. So, what does God do? He strips away the pretense of political leaders to show the true underbelly of these evil leaders and reveals their true intent of their hearts and their godless vision. From removing prayer in schools to the abortion industry, America has become like backslidden Israel. One of the worst evils is the corruption of young students in public schools. The political left have planned, since the turn of the century, to remove God from the children’s minds and replace it with socialism and communism. The indoctrination of the teaching of evolution has replaced scripture for our morality and given us a mindset of animals, not morally capable humans.

Ever since WWII America has mostly been adrift from God, with a few exceptions like the Jesus movement revival in the 70s. If the church had given the culture real honest answers of life we would, as a nation, not be in such a backslidden state. It was the same condition during the ministry life of Jesus. The Jewish leaders led the Jewish population into hating anything that was not Jewish and thus the world rejected the one true Messiah that could have saved them. If the churches and Christian leaders had given a clear picture of the love of Jesus to America, instead of hate filled religion, America would still be reflecting what our founders had created.

When Jesus walked the earth if the Jewish leaders had done their spiritual jobs the Jewish nation would have embraced Jesus as their Messiah yet we all know the nation of Israel was blind to Jesus and his kingdom. God caused the true heart of the Jewish leaders to be exposed for the evil nature that motivated them as they crucified Jesus.

Today, with the godless nature of the democratic party being revealed through the Biden presidency, people are starting to wake up to the outcome of a morality based on an evil philosophy and the need to return America back to what the founding fathers had created, One Nation under God. Not since the Civil War has America had to face the consequences of a nation that rejects God and his word.

People don’t change their views on life and morality until they experience great pain. Pain motivates us to reason more clearly and come to the honest conclusion that we are going the wrong way. Our god given reason wakes us up because of the pain that evil has unleashed.

I’m glad America is experiencing the pain of corrupt leadership because their moral failure is being exposed as never before. The evil corruption that brought about the compromise which resulted in the killing of 60 million babies in order to satisfy the insatiable hunger for more stuff and more pleasure is a good example. Far too many churches have been silent about such evil in order to have larger and more financially prosperous congregations. Not all big churches have compromised themselves but the vast majority have, in my opinion. Other churches have just settled for producing hate filled followers that turn their noses down at any who don’t comply with their pet doctrines. Tragically, bigoted Christians cause the world to hate Jesus and anything he stands for.

The early church didn’t win over the Roman empire though hateful preaching or witnessing gimmicks but because they demonstrated the true heart and love of Jesus. They learned to honestly and humbly love one another and that changed the culture. All we have to do is examine whether our Christian witness is inspired by God or by man and whether the culture is impacted positively or not. The answer may and should alarm us.

Don’t be afraid of the pain we all have been experiencing the last two years because it is the seedbed of a possible revival that we have never seen before and, quite possibly, the second coming of Christ.

What God said to Solomon when he finished building the new temple in Jerusalem is still pertinent today. God visited him at night and said he heard Solomon’s prayer and gave Solomon the key to God’s favor and change.

2 Chronicles 7:14                                                                                                                                                                                        Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land. 

May God help us help America to once again see the light.

1 Timothy 2:1-4                                                                                                                                                                                     Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Pastor Dale


1) Does the pain in the economy scare you? Trust that God is exposing evil for our good.

2) Are you praying for America to wake up? If not, why not?

