I was recently asked to teach a group of pastors in Tanzania about what it means to know you’re calling and how to identify it. I have taught on Christian leadership for many years but have never been asked to teach specifically on an individuals calling. That being said, I dove into the subject and studied what the word had to say. Through these articles I will try to unpack what I have learned and identified about my own calling, which will hopefully help you discover your own.

First, let me identify and clarify what the term actually means. A calling is a direction or purpose the Lord may have for your life, whether it is a short term call or a life time occupation. You could be called to share your faith with someone, which could be a long term engagement or just a one time occurrence.  Likewise, you could be called to a certain occupation like a school teacher, pastor, etc. The point is that a calling revolves around us discovering and diong the will of God. All too often, today’s understanding of being a Christian revolves around us getting what we want from God, whether it’s a job, a relationship, or a new car.  Rather, it should be about us surrendering to what God wants first and foremost. Let me be clear, based on what the scripture teaches, if you are still living for your own desires above all else, you may call yourself a Christian but you are one in name only. Let me give an example of my own struggle with God’s will during my early life as a believer.

I had only been saved for a few years when I signed up to got to bible college because I need to understand God better. While I was in a prayer meeting learning how to hear the voice of God better the teacher gave us some simple instructions about prayer and how to hear God’s voice. We were told to tell the Lord what was on our hearts and then say, “Lord I will be quiet now to hear what you want for my life.  What I first told the Lord reveals my immaturity at the time, yet I have found that God loves honesty rather than flowery speeches. I told the Lord I wanted to buy a chopper motorcycle that a friend offered to sell me at a great price. In my mind, I thought if God loved me, which I believed he did, then it was a simple and reasonable request. As I quieted my heart I suddenly heard the Lord’s voice loud and clear.  I opened my eyes to look around at who said what I just heard. I don’t know if it was an audible voice but it sure seemed that way to me. Here is what the Lord said. No, you can not buy the chopper and you will go to Russia! I’m telling you that I had no thought of going to Russia before praying so I couldn’t figure out why God would say that.  I questioned the Lord about the chopper again while hoping I could persuade him to change his mind. At that point, he also said I was called as a pastor to his people.  Keep in mind that, at this time of my life, I had a very low opinion of pastors so the thought didn’t please me and I fought the calling for weeks.

I need to be clear about my knowledge of God and his calling on my life at this time. Number one, I wanted the chopper and he said no. Secondly, I didn’t want to go to Russia for any reason and he clearly asked for me to go. Thirdly, I didn’t want to be a pastor!  The more I wrestled with God the more I knew what my calling was and what would hinder that calling.  I could not deny that there was a bondage in my life regarding my love of speed, whether on a motorcycle or in a car. That bondage was in direct conflict with my calling as a Christian and it needed to be dealt with if I was going to be obedient to God. All of us have those things that are idols in our lives that we pretend aren’t idols at all, just preferences. God, with his endless love, will do whatever it takes to uncover those idles in our lives……so be prepared.

In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul explains how we can know the will of God and what prevents us from understanding and defining it. God’s will has everything to do with our calling.

Romans 12:2                                                                                                                                                                                                 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Paul says that our minds need to be renewed because if we think like the world we are never going to walk like the children of God.  One of the simplest truths of God’s word is that if we think like the world, which is in rebellion to the will of God, we will find ways to always justify our will as God’s will.   Many people who to embrace Christ as their Savior struggle desperately with embracing him as the Lord of their lives and I was no exception. In my 52 years as a believer, God has been and still is working on how I see the world and my own importance. Through many tests and opportunities God kept speaking to me about surrender. To be honest, surrender doesn’t feel good initially but afterwards I could see God’s wisdom and love in those testings. I think surrender is an issue that all of us struggle with.

Besides needing to get our thinking straightened out, we need to get our PRIDE under control.  When I say pride it’s probably not what you think. Pride in scripture is not about strutting around like a peacock or bragging yout greatness, although it could include that.  Instead, at its core, pride is about us thinking we are more important than anyone else, including God. As long as we are in the driver’s seat of our souls we are living and acting with a spirit of pride. Humility, which is what God is after, is about recognizing that God is smarter, wiser and more powerful.  Simply put, He is the judge of all as our creator. His desire is to bless us provided we learn to overcome these obstacles.

1 Peter 5:5-6                                                                                                                                                                                                            You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, but give grace to the humble.

[6] Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, 

As we explore our calling further in the next few articles, please consider the first two hinderances I have brought up and learn to address them in order to find the will of God made just for you.  Never forget that God’s calling is not just for the young or newly saved but rather for all of us who “Love God and Called According to His Purpose”.

Romans 8:28                                                                                                                                                                                                          And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 


1) Have you found your calling in the body of Christ or are you just attending church services?  Finding the will of God and pursuing it requires removing the negative influences first.

2) Do you consistently renew your mind with scripture and address your own personal pride?  If you are not engaging with scripture daily and meditating on it you will forever be confused about your calling from God.

Loving to think biblically,

Pastor Dale

