This series started with an article on “What Paralyzes You?“, which dealt with the topic of things in our lives which can paralyze us both physically and spiritually. I also stated that when an area of our soul becomes paralyzed through actions of others or ourselves our perspective of life becomes distorted, thus we live less than God intended. God always intends for us to do great things with our lives yet so few grasp that truth, let alone walk in it, myself included.  If you haven’t read the first article on this topic please read that first.

We discussed earlier that being physically paralyzed happens when there is damage to our nervous system and or spinal cord. This is the conduit that passes information onto various parts of our body. Remember that God set up the physical world to illustrate and give us understanding in the spiritual world.  Jesus talked about the importance of “light” in discerning our true health, which he uses it to illustrate the idea about the impossibility of serving two masters. We can say we are living true biblical priorities but are we? If we are paralyzed in areas we have to conclude……not totally.

Matthew 6:22                                                                                                                                              

“The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. 

John 8:12                                                                                                                                                   

Jesus said to the people, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”

The idea he is trying to get across is if you and I have a certain primary truth guiding our lives, namely himself ( Jesus ), we won’t stumble and will therefore experience life as God intended it. The opposite is also true…….if Christ is not our guiding principle in life we are susceptible to all kinds of things that can rob us of true liberty and even cause us to become paralyzed. Remember what Jesus said about truth and freedom.

John 8:31-32                                                                                                                                               

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” [36] “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. 

So many believers read this portion of the gospel of John and focus on “Knowing the Truth” and being set free yet fail to notice the condition where the truth actually works as it was intended. “IF” we “CONTINUE” in Jesus’ word we confirm we are His disciples … then we understand the truth and are set free ….but not before.

Now, we started out this topic of being paralyzed by using the scripture in the book of Matthews 9 about a man who was paralyzed and was brought by friends to be healed by Jesus. When Jesus healed him he didn’t say “Be Healed” but rather “Your Sins Are Forgiven“, which implies his problem was a moral and spiritual one, not some natural cause. This brings me to the area where I want to identify “Reasons Why” we can become paralyzed or stay paralyzed even as believers. Believers can be “trapped” or paralyzed by Satan’s deceptions unless we  continue in our relationship with Christ daily. If you realize you are paralyzed in some area of your life then listen up to what I’m going to share about why and how we get trapped. These areas of “entrapment” are areas that we often overlook to our own hurt.

1) INSECURITY – You may manifest this by trying to be the center of attention.  It could be through joking or making people laugh, but alone your thoughts about yourself hinder your trust in God.

2) REGRET – Maybe there is something that weighs you down every time you attempt to get honest and intimate with God. You have some deep-seated guilt or shame that you just can’t shake.

3) CONVICTION – Every time you attempt to get close your awareness of an area of brokenness that manifested in some sinful habit keeps reminding you that God hates sin and you’re a sinner.  This could be in your thought life or in your actions.

4) TRADITION – This could be a hundred or a thousand years old or it could be something that your family picked up along the way that now keeps you trapped in yesterday. Maybe you’re wanting a real life of faith with God but your tradition forces you to masquerade a faith.

Each one of these areas or a combination of them are minefields that the enemy uses to paralyze us and hinder our walk with God and others. Next, I want to identify why we get fooled out of the idea that we are in a war. The apostle Paul stated it plainly.

Ephesians 6:12                                                                                                                                                  

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 

When we consciously are aware of the fact that we are “never” free from this war we will take precautions to protect ourselves and encourage others to do so also.

Things to Remember Concerning This War:

Satan’s intentions – This is not just for “famous” people but for all of us. Every single person that is born into a war between good and evil. No one is exempt.  Satan has one intention for our lives no matter what he might say otherwise.

John 10:10                                                                                                                                                  

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

1) Satan wants to “STEAL” our confidence in God’s love and ability to intervene in our lives.

2) He wants to “KILL” our trust in the promises of God so we will lose hope.

3) He wants to “DESTROY” any lasting memory of the faithfulness of God in our lives.

So, how does Satan accomplish all this in us and paralyze our lives?  He does it through stripping our lives of “FAITH” and replacing it with “FEAR & ANXIETY“. Paul once again gives us principles to live by, but we must choose to embrace these principles.  Principles of God are worthless if they are not combined with faith in the one who gave them.

2 Timothy 1:7                                                                                                                                                

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 

So, if fear enters our hearts or we become aware of the fact that we are operating in and because of fear we know we are not living as God intended or provided. We know we have a choice to either follow fear or follow God.  I am not saying it’s easy to change course, but the more we do so when we realize we are embracing deception when fear is involved the more God will empower us to choose correctly.

In the next article, Part 3, I want to address “Worry, Anxiety & Fear” as tools of Satan in this war over our souls. We are never going to be healthy in our souls and spirit unless we challenge these “monsters” of deception.


Have you allowed yourself to be entrapped in one of the four area I mentioned?  Confess & challenge yourself.

Have you allowed Satan to steal from you? Rebuke in Jesus name ( James 4:7 )

Our ability to overcome spiritual paralysis doesn’t happen in our own strength, but in God’s.


Pastor Dale
