In 1984, Wendy’s restaurant ran a very funny ad about other hamburger restaurants having lots of bun, but very little beef. The ad was to counter MacDonald’s and Burger King by saying they just had big buns and no beef. It became an instant hit!

The idea of “Over Exaggerations” in advertising started to catch on and branch off into all different directions including the 1984 presidential campaign. Walter Mondale used it in his debates. The public resonated with being told one thing and experiencing another. Everyone knew the truth was finally being spoken.

Many world religions and cults promise great peace and happiness, when in the end they mostly deliver rules that burden down the follower. Jesus, on the other hand, was different. Scripture says he taught as “One Having Authority” because there was substance to his claims. People actually found a relationship with God that changed their life not just their minds.

I was reading this morning in Luke 9 where Jesus picks twelve ordinary blue-collar guys, and imparts power to them so they can make a difference in people’s lives. Not just preaching, but doing.

Luke 9:1-2 And He called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases. And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing.

Early in my Christian walk, I had the privilege of seeing and hearing John Wilber, a very famous pastor and church planter. He was known for ushering a new wave of spiritual dimension that opened people up to a deeper walk with God where the power to heal became common place.

When John came to Christ he started to read his Bible and noticed that once a person came into a relationship with Jesus miracles were possible and happened regularly. John approached his pastor and asked, “When Do We Get to Do The Suff”? The pastor asked what stuff? He sad the healing and casting out demon stuff? His pastor replied, “We Don’t Do That Stuff”, we just learn about it. John refused to believe in the weakness on man, but instead trusted in what God said was possible.

How sad when Christians compromise their beliefs because the living out of their faith seems to hard, and they are afraid to “Do The Stuff”.

If the Bible is true, and I believe it is, then Jesus is the same today as he was in the Bible times. What he offered first century believers is the same thing he is offering us today.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

What if every Christian started believing what God said about our potential, and started walking in the power to heal and cast out demons? Maybe the world would experience revival and Christ would come back like he promised!


1) Will you believe the Bible or your own understanding?

2) Will you trust God or your own understanding?

I’m longing to see the power of the Holy Spirit released in all of us in a new and fresh way.

Pastor Dale
