Submit A Testimony

Your Story of Faith is so important to others …. it may make a huge difference to someone who is looking to turn their life over to God or who is facing the same struggle as you went through.

Most Christians have a testimony or story to tell about their walk with Christ. From the time we first give our hearts to the Lord and he cleaned us from guilt and shame our story is both significant and important to tell.

When you read the four gospels in the New Testament, you realize they are packed full of stories. The Holy Spirit inspired the gospel writers to explain what Jesus taught through stories. Jesus brought out principles of the Kings of God through stories because the average person could relate to stories.

When I gave my life to God back in 1969, I soon discovered that everyone who knows God has a story to tell. The first three years of my walk with God were given to traveling up and down the west cost of the US with others telling our story. We told them to small groups all the way up to large buildings full of people wanting to hear how Christ changed our lives.

It is because of this understanding that I grew to appreciate hearing how people found Christ, or how God helped them in their journey of faith. Through this blog, I hope to share not only my stories, but also the story of other people of faith just like you. If you have a story to tell, I would love to hear about it. If you would like others to hear about your faith journey, and give me permission to retell it, I would love the opportunity to see if it fits in this blog.


1)  Be Expectant – Because everyone has a story to tell, don’t be afraid your story isn’t “Big” enough. You would be surprised at how a simple story by and individual can impact another. Tell me your story as best you can with the expectation that your story is important because you are important to Christ.

2)   Be Factual – Sometimes we “Embellish” our story because we are often afraid it’s not as rough or dangerous and someone else. Don’t try to make it sound like someone else. Just tell your story as you remember it.

3)   Be Verified – One of the best things to do with your story once you have it written down is to ask people who knew you and the facts during that time of your life and see if they remembered details you forgot about. You would be surprised at how you remember certain things that are important to you but left out things that people thought were more important to them – Include all the details.

4)  Be Inclusive – If your story is about an event you witnessed or attended, like a healing or a financial breakthrough or restored relationship there have to be others involved as well. Collaborate in telling the story so all the dimension and color of what happened is told.

5)   Be Loving – If your story is about areas of brokenness that others caused, try not to be mean-spirited or destructive in telling what the other people did to you. We are all broken before coming to Christ and even years later are still working out our salvation by God’s grace. Please tell me the details as is needed to create a clear picture and then be aware that I will change the names and places if I think it can be shared with others.

6)   Give Permission – If you would like to bless other readers besides me at the end of your story, give me complete permission to tell it as well. I also need  permission to shorten the length or details, if necessary. My intention is to highlight the story to keep names and places confidential to protect those of you who submit them.

Not every story you share with me will be reprinted for one reason or another, but know that all of them are important to me. I will use some of your stories to write articles from and therefore, regardless of how many read them, they will influence me as a writer.

May God give us the ability to inform the world that Jesus can change a life because he is changing us day by day.

Pastor Dale

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