As we continue down our path of fasting you may be asking yourself, where are we trying to go with this fast and how come I’m not there yet?

First, in the Bible, numbers mean a lot. Seven is the number often associated with God. It reflects “completeness” and “perfection”.

Secondly, in the Bible, the number Eight is related to the concept of “New Beginning”. Jewish writings say it is “One Step Above the Natural Order” where the supernatural is entered into.

I want to declare to you all that you are entering into the beginning phase of the supernatural where the Holy Spirit will start to pull back the covers to the spiritual realm and give you access to understanding and inheritance. Here is a beautiful verse in the book of Psalms that should capture our hearts.

Ps 5:3. “Waiting For God’s Goodness”
In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.

Before I was married in 1974, God gave me a vision while driving my car, of two little children playing on a grassy area of a park. The blonde girl and boy looked to be around 3-5 years old. As I watched in amazement, forgetting I was driving at 65 mph, the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “They are yours”. I was not married nor in a relationship. Not until late 1978 was I married and it was after 1980 that my first child born.

When the first child was ready to be born, I told the doctor assisting, that it would be a boy, as I remembered my vision and assumed that the boy would be first because of the Bible talking about the boy who opens the womb would be holy and special. To my amazement my daughter was born first. I looked like a crazy person to all who heard me say, “God Told Me” it would be a boy.

I felt like everything in my life was wrong because, “I was wrong”. Was I a false prophet? Was I truly crazy? In the middle of the night I couldn’t sleep and the Lord visited me and spoke, “I Never Told You The First Would be a Boy”, then he told me the vision was true and I could either hold on to the vision or let it go. I repented of “Adding” to what God told me and for the next two years hid in my heart the promise of God.

When our second baby was ready to enter the world many people chided me with “What Will This Baby Be?” to rub in the idea that
1) God does not give us special revelation or insight.
2) I wasn’t worthy of God doing such a special thing.

When the baby was born, it was a “Boy” just as God had promised. This time I was humbled by the event. Secondly, as the nurse went out to weigh him she turned and asked if I wanted to know his weight. I told her I already knew. She asked how? I told her it was 8 pounds because this was a time of “New Beginnings” for Sue and me. She walked away and came back shaking her head and said the baby weighed exactly 8 pounds! He was also born at exactly 8 AM on the 8th of February. God was fulfilling a promise of having our two kids just as he had promised, in the order of His choosing. Our beautiful daughter first, then our son.

God tells us to hold onto His promises and wait for them.

May the Lord speak to each of our hearts and reveal things that are and things that will be. When you receive His promises, don’t add to them. Embrace them as God gives them to you and then put a stake in the ground and tell your soul, “This is My Promise”.

Loving the journey with you all!

Pastor Dale
