So often life is consumed in getting our projects or responsibilities done. Working to pay the bills. Doing the wash only to get them dirty again. Going to the store to stock up on what we have consumed, or a thousand other tasks.

What if, in some small measure, we carved out some time and energy to be a blessing in some small way, for someone else?
What if we decided to do some act of kindness in order to represent God’s heart to a hurting world? After all the scriptures says “For God So Loved the World ( people ) that He Gave”, so wouldn’t it be fitting for us to do the same?

I have to confess, I so often am consumed in me!
My stuff, my needs, my wants.
Too often, I am captivated in the hunger of my own soul that I can’t or refuse to see the hunger in someone else’s soul. It’s easy to be self-center and rather hard to be others-centered.

Maybe, like me, you feel bad at times about your focus, and you want to do well. You want to include others in your blessings, but all to often you get sidetracked by life’s complexity. Join the club called “humanity”.

When I became a Christian so many years ago, I thought the battle would soon be over with living only for myself, and I would have this wrong attitude and action under control. But what I have discovered is that I still need God daily to help me keep the right focus in life. I have discovered, in some small measure, I am still weak when living by my own steam. Maybe you’re in the same boat as I am, and needing some motivation to be the person you hoped you would be. Here are a few things to consider:

First, God understands our need and weakness, and he can help us change. Stop denying you’re selfish at times, and rather confess it for what it is.

Second, God is delighted when we seek his help to be givers and not just takers in life. Lets ask daily for the help He so often offers.

Third, Let God fill you with His love for others as you go through your daily life. Read books that encourage you to love others. Listen to music that reminds you of His great love and you will find yourself overflowing with His grace and love for others. It’s amazing how simple it is.

My prayer for this Christmas is that I will become the “Aroma of God’s Love” by loving a little like he loved me. In reminding you, I remind myself of who I want to be, and what I’m capable of with God’s help.

I hope this last week before Christmas, you will open your heart to receive the love of God, so you can be the “Aroma” of the love of God.

Let your “Aroma” be like a freshly brewed cup of coffee this Christmas!

Pastor Dale
