I’m sitting on my patio this morning praying when the thought comes to me, “Remember”. As I sit and think and ponder what I’m suppose to remember, I’m reminded about two things.

First, I need God’s Word more than I realize. You see, I know that God’s Word is important and given to make me wiser every day, but sometimes, more than I care to admit, I think, “I know that” and therefore I feel I don’t need to read it again. That’s when I realize I am dumber than a rock! When I admit the Word is important and yet fail to reinforce what I already know by reading it again, I just rob myself of the very thing that makes me grow wiser. How dumb is that? 

Ps 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Secondly, I realize that though I have become wise in many respects over my life of 65 years I can revert to the “Dummy” I once was before I knew God and his Word. When I ponder just how foolish I’ve been before knowing God and His word, I am humbled once again. His word has become a light to my path, my thinking and hopefully my actions. Whatever good that has come to me, it has been because I let God’s word remind me of a few basic things.

One: If God is first in my life then my life will always be secure. My security depends on Him rather than me.

Two: If I learn from God’s word and apply its principles, I will be successful in life in the end. It may not be a quick and easy path to take but it is the most productive.

Three: If I start acting like I know everything then I start reverting back to the dumb person I use to be! I’m reminded of the movies “I Robot” where Will Smith says, “How can a smart person be so dumb”?

This reminds me of the books that many have read called “For Dummies”, which people bought for just about any subject you can imagine. Mechanics, carpentry, electrical or whatever. They should have written one called, “The Book for Dummies Who Forget What They Already Know”. I probably would have said I don’t need that one and proved I can be stupid if I want to be!

I hope you are like me this morning and humbled by the fact that all your wisdom could go out the window and you could once again be “Dummer Than a Rock”. Remember if you’re like me and stop reinforcing what you already know from God’s word you lose!

Let’s be thankful for the sweetness of our Heavenly Father’s words and grow wiser today….. I know I want too!

Loving God this morning …..

Pastor Dale
