This morning, I sat at an outside Starbucks to read the Word and a great new book I recently purchased – “Hearing God” by Dallas Willard.

You may wonder why I would read another book on hearing God’s voice when I have been doing so for 46 years, since becoming a believer. Well, the truth is, hearing God’s voice is often a misunderstood subject and I, for one, am not exempt from misunderstanding what I think I hear from God.

Just before coming to Christ in 1969, I got in two motorcycle accidents that nearly took my life except for the miraculous intervention of God. In the first accident, I hit a parked car going 55mph and prayed a desperate pray – “God if your real and you get me out of this I will seek you!
I was knocked out and when I came to I did not have a scratch on me; no bruises or broken bones. I think God is looking for those kind of prayers from lost people to show up and confirm His reality.

The second accident, months later, I hit a car going 45mph head-on with a car going the opposite way. At that accident, instead of going through the windshield, I was thrown up the embankment to the right side. You say that is physically impossible? Of course it is, unless there is a God and He will do whatever it takes to redeem our lives from destruction. I ran down the hill yelling and cursing, and the old lady that was driving was terrified. On approaching the car, I believe I heard the audible voice of God say one sentence that changed the direction of my life. I heard – “No More Chances”! I fell to the ground and was gripped with the understanding that my pride would not see me through like I always thought it would – I was in deep do-do!

Whether you believe God speaks to people audibly or not doesn’t matter. To me, I heard God as if He was right next to me whether He just spoke out-loud or spoke in my head. Within the next year, I was born-again.

I mention this encounter with God because I so believe hearing God’s voice is what every believer should encounter on a regular basis. The problem, often is not on God speaking, but on us learning to know how God is communicating. The Holy Spirit was given by Jesus to be our regular counselor and encourager.

John 14:16. Role of the Spirit:

“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever;
[17] that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.
[18] “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

If you are not regularly hearing God’s voice, figure out why – Talk to a pastor or trusted friend and open up the communication you were born-again for. To live without God’s voice is to walk in darkness.

As a believer now for over 45 year I still marvel that God talks to me and ministers to my heart. Without that I would shrivel up and die as a Christian, but with that regular communication I can constantly adjust my course so that I won’t end up as so many have, shipwrecked in their faith and empty inside.

Pastor Dale
