Listening to different news outlets talk about the same events can be down right disturbing. No matter whether its sports, politics or the accident in your neighborhood, facts matter. But what if the person or persons we listen to who are reporting an event have a bias? Take the NFL & North Korea.

The real truth is that everyone has bias on multiple topics, news people included. Bias is shaped by the information we receive and how that information is communicated. The human soul processes that information and our previous bias helps us come to conclusions. So if my previous experience identified “Red” as dangerous, I am easily moved to see danger every time I see red no matter what someone might say to me afterword.

Here’s what King Solomon said so long ago:

Pr 12:17
A truthful witness gives honest testimony,
but a false witness tells lies.

Half-truths or partial-truths are lies!

So if some pervious experience was somewhat distorted in thought or fact, either by lies of others or our own fear of the truth, we end up believing lies which create patterns of thinking that distort our future. Like believing monsters were under your bed. You friend told you they were real and you couldn’t see clearly in the dark, and you know you heard a sound!

So you may ask what difference does it make?

If we live life based on false assumptions about life and we end up in some type of crisis down the road, we often are confused and hurt worse by not understanding why. Our real pain intensifies. There’s nothing worse than to have pain and being confused as to why we have it.

The Bible has so much wisdom for us if we just read it. It helps us discern between the truth and the lie.

Pr 14:5
A simple man believes anything,
but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.

Here is “One” of the wisdom keys I have learned from God’s Word. Over the years, I have discovered the more I can know about life the more I am able to navigate. Simplicity doesn’t safeguard me from pain, but often it can destroy my confidence and my trust, first in God and second in people.

So the next time you turn on the news, TV or radio, ask yourself this question before you listen: Is this person, who is educating me about world events, giving me half-truths filled with a large amount of bias or generally are they filled with mostly honesty and presenting facts with little bias?

Feeding our soul from bad sources contaminates our lives to our own destruction.

1 Cor 15:33-34
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God.

Who we receive from, whether the news or our friends, shapes our perception of the life around us.

Faith and lies can’t live together!

Pastor Dale
