It is so easy to be persuaded that what we desire is worth believing for, but what if what you believe is wrong or the way you are believing is wrong? What then?

Everyone has faith, but what you have faith in makes all the difference in the world. So many are believing in luck more than anything substantial.

Some have faith in science and trust anything these people say and do. If these people have a degree in science they must be right – right? Funny how each generation claims the same thing only to have more “Truth” added which changes their truth. Unfortunately, kids going to college listen to their boasting about knowing the truth and get these students really messed up from the experience.

Then there are the religious people who say they know the truth and their truth is the only real truth. They claim bold things about healing, money, relationships etc. Then someone checks out their history of success and there is far more boasting than there is substance. As a Christian we can’t just blindly believe what we want, but what is true.

Growing up in the 60s, there was no shortage of religions that claimed absolute truth – take the Beatles and their following the teaching of The Transcendental Meditation technique is a specific form of silent mantra meditation developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is often referred to as Transcendental Meditation. It promised such great peace with little to no effort. Funny, when checking it out later people discover it was Hinduism disguised as a “New” religion.

Here is what I have learned: Who you trust is so important. Many boost many things, but is it true?

First, if the God you seek is made in your image then you’re probably headed off a cliff of despair. Deep down we all know we are flawed no matter how skilled or intelligent we may be. Living a life of make-believe doesn’t make thing change, it only makes things worse.

Secondly, if you’re trusting another person’s word without discovering where they got their truth from, again, you’re heading towards disaster.

So what’s the answer then? Trust nothing or no one? Hardly.

I believe the Bible clearly portrays the Creator of you and I as one who desire to reveal the truth that is both reliable and loving, which will make a difference in our lives.

There is a passage in the book of Isaiah chapter 7:9 where God speaks through a prophet to a king about believing God rather than the circumstances coming at him. War was on the horizon.

“If you will not believe, you surely shall not last.”

You see, two kingdoms were marching toward him and they were stronger than him and his army. He could either believe what his informants had told him or trust a prophet of God. He was challenged to trust what God said rather than what people around him said.

Maybe your life is being challenged by trouble. Maybe financial or health related trouble. What is God saying about this and have you spent enough time listening?

This is often our dilemma, in whom do we trust?
Do we trust our own hearts desire?
Do we trust people around us because what they say sounds good? Maybe they have a degree from a great university or college. Are you blindly trusting them alone?
Shouldn’t we trust God’s word most of all, which means relying on God more than ourselves or others?

To trust God, we have to spend time getting to know Him. Many of us just don’t spend the time to get to know Him and consequently don’t trust him when he speaks to us. But what if we spent time and he did speak to us – should we believe? That is the million dollar question foretold.

Loving to reason with God and you all while in Hawaii.

Pastor Dale
