As a non-Christian growing up, there were a lot of things I had to change when becoming a Christian. My thinking had to change. My behavior had to change. Almost everything I learned to rely on as a non-Christian had to change. Learning to trust God has been a life long pursuit.

One of the most confusing concept most Christians wrestle with is the idea of whether “Fighting” should be part of a believer’s life. There are two major ideas regarding the idea of fighting, and they are very much opposed to each other.

One side of Christian teaching calls believers to be passivits. The idea that all resistance is contrary to Christianity and the teaching of Christ. The other side of the argument believes that fighting is part of the human experience Christian or not. What matters is why. Is it a good cause? Is it standing against evil, etc?

I hope I haven’t bored you with this topic but these two opposing views are very important to figure out just were you stand. Life has a way of challenging us about our beliefs and too many Christians get caught off guard when conflict hits them because they haven’t sought the mind of God nor the scripture before they are forced to choose when hit with a major decision or conflict.

The apostle Paul told his disciple Timothy to …
“Fight” for his and others Faith. – 1 Timothy 6:12

“Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses”.

Paul believed some things were worth fighting for. That sometimes you need to fight because otherwise your faith could be harmed or even lost.

My son & daughter-in-law are in such a fight. The baby in Dusti’s womb is struggling for his very life, and Dusti and Josh realize that their faith and trust in God must be fought for when faced with danger. Satan would love nothing more than for believers to just give up fighting for their faith and thus become shipwrecked.

1 Timothy 1:19
“Keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith.

Many believers go through life expecting God will “See them through” whatever trial they go through, without realizing God requires our active involvement or we will lose the battle regardless of God’s desire. So much of the promises of God to believers is contingent on our faith being actively engaged to produce the fruit of such promises.

What struggle are you facing today?
Will you fight the good fight of faith or passively expect God to do all the fighting for you?

Scripture says we should trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not to lean on our own understanding. Can I tell you that trusting God is a fight when your circumstances are yelling at you?

Dusti wrote recently on her Facebook page that she is in the fight of her life, but like the 3 Hebrew men who were put in the fiery furnace for their faith in the book of Daniel, she is fighting for her faith and standing in her trust of God in spite of her baby’s struggle for life.

Pastor Dale

