
I have learned over my years of walking with the Lord that I have often spoken truth, but not always at the right time. I also have learned that I have spoken out of frustration rather than out of wisdom. I am amazed that God uses people like me and you, who, more often than not, use words poorly that end up hurting our pursuits rather than helping them. The words we speak can end up cutting people rather than healing them. This does not mean we should never use “Tough Words,” but we should seek the guidance of God and not just act out in a fleshly way.

We know we should use wisdom when opening our mouths, yet we often get caught up in the emotion of the moment and then put our foot in our mouth; or at least some of us do. Now maybe that’s the case for me more than for you, but I have learned over the years that most people mess up with their words at some time, and sometimes we mess up when it really counts. Both the words we use, and the way we use them, matters tremendously if we are to have a positive impact on others.

In the book of James he states that we “ALL” stumble in many ways. He then goes on to talk about our tongues and the words we use. James was the half brother of Jesus, and scripture says that he, along with his brothers and sisters, didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah until after the resurrection. You can imagine the conversations they had at the dinner table and the words they used to try to cut Jesus down to size. Yet Jesus loved them in spite of their lack of faith and belief. I want to believe the same could be said about us at times. We don’t want others to be superior to us so we cut them down to size to make ourselves equal or better than them.

James 3:2 

For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well.

I guess I am still am amazed that, after walking with God for about 55 years, I still say things either at the wrong time or in the wrong way. “YET,” Jesus still uses me in his service. When I realize my mistakes it humbles me all over again and I seek God’s forgiveness. I know he wants to forgive and heal my lack of understanding, and behavior, more than I want it. I don’t have to beg or convince him he needs to forgive and heal me. After walking with God for over 54 years I am still amazed at the grace and forgiveness he offers me, and countless other broken vessels who at times use words poorly.

James goes on in this same chapter to talk about how powerful the tongue is, and how often it is used badly. If we would allow the Holy Spirit to counsel us before we opened our mouths I think we would make less mistakes with our mouths, But, alas, all too often our emotions get the best of us, or at times our motives are just wrong. Some of us who are called to be prophetic tend to speak first and ask questions later. Those who play it safe and never open their mouths also never learn how to uses their words to make a difference in others. They are just too scared that they will make a mistake, but in making mistakes we can learn the most valuable lessons in life.

James 3:5-6 

The tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; The tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell.

James clarifies that when we use our tongues to speak harm we are being used by Satan, because he reveals that our motives are set on fire by hell which is Satan’s territory. I know many Christians have a problem believing Satan “PERSUADES” them to speak badly, but that is what the word says. We are either counseled by God or by Satan.

I heard an interesting story I heard the other day. I researched it, and it seems to be true. Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality. In this case it is the molecular structure of water. It changes by the way you interact with it. Positive or negative. It feels you. It is aware of you. This has been nicknamed “The Rice Experiment” in which a Japanese family who heard about his discovery, experimented this idea using rice. Anyone could try this at home.

The rice experiment by Dr. Emoto has not been disproved by science so far. While the results of Dr. Emoto’s experiment have been met with skepticism, the scientific community has not been able to conclusively disprove his findings. In his rice experiment, he demonstrated the power of negative and positive words, finding that speaking negatively to rice in water over time caused decay, while speaking positively over time allowed it to thrive. When you think about God “SPEAKING” the universe into existence, and all it contains, he seems to have imparted to humanity some of that ability because we are created in his image.

Think about Israel getting delivered from slavery and bondage in Egypt, but staying in bondage because of their confession that came from a heart that was never converted from slavery.

Numbers 21:4-5 

Then they set out from Mount Hor by the way of the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; and the people became impatient because of the journey. The people spoke against God and Moses, Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this miserable food.

Our words can, and do, have either a positive or negative effect that is inescapable. We either “Leverage” our words for good or we listen to the enemy who Whispers in our ear and speaks words that tear down. I am not advocating being dishonest or never speaking truth, but rather considering the motive of our hearts when we speak. Are we speaking out of hurt, offense or bitterness; or are we speaking out of the love of God for the good of others?

Jesus didn’t always speak words of kindness, but he always spoke words of truth with the intention to set people free. We, as failed people, sometimes speak damaging words like James mentioned, but we also sometimes speak out of evil intent to hurt people, whether we realize it or not. Solomon said the book of Proverbs that a “Word Aptly Spoken” can make all the difference in the world. If our words and our intentions are in line with the heart of God, then our words will make the positive difference we should desire.

Proverbs 25:11

Like apples of Gold in setting of silver is a word spoken in right circumstance.

My heart, and I hope yours, is to speak words that have value like gold to the people that God is trying to reach with his loving kindness through our words. If we are being led by the Holy Spirit we will in fact be speaking life and can trust that he will use our words for God.


1) Considering the last person you spoke with did you sense the heart of God or your own wisdom and feelings? If it was more about you and what you felt, confess to God your mistake and seek his guidance for the next time.

2) Are you a person who tries to speak with a prophetic edge, but often do so in the flesh rather than in the spirit? If you tend to be a prophetic person realize that your gift needs guidance from the Lord, or your words may be like a sword to harm rather than the word of God to set them free.

May God condition our hearts to use our words rightly,

Pastor Dale
