Many Christians say they trust the Bible, that is until some new bit of science comes out and gives us a “NEW TRUTH” that contradicts reliability of scripture and at least causes doubt about the trustworthiness of scripture among believers. This is not excluding the “THEORY” of evolution taught in public schools long before I was in grade school in the ’50s. In times like these many professing believers, even strong ones, secretly capitulate to the intimidation of scientific information. When you question the book of Genesis and the story of creation for the theory of billions of years of evolution you already are making science as your god, not the God of the bible.

Recently, stories have emerged about a testimony Dr Fauci gave on national news that put into question what was  the spearhead of all the social distancing laws during the Covid epidemic in America and around the world. In that testimony he admitted the demand by the federal government for masks and social distancing was not based on science, yet for nearly 2 years every one, including Dr. Fauci, said it was. Just because a person has a diploma on the wall from some prestigious university doesn’t make them correct about everything, especially when it comes to science.

Science is always changing and, yes evolving, even though there are some basic laws that govern our principles of science. Science has become a “GOD” to so many in our culture and Christians are following this drum beat right along with the secular world. People may not say or articulate that science is their god, however they let the “Truths” of science trump the truths of God’s word. One has to ask the question of people professing faith in Christ if that profession is solid or just wishful thinking.

We will always live out what we truly believe in our heart: science or scripture. Getting honest with our true beliefs is often one of the hardest things for Christians to do, but if we are to live a real biblical life of faith it must take place with something we trust as the bedrock of our beliefs. Saying you love God when you let other things like science or wealth or relationships surpass the word of God is, in reality, a lie. Look at what the apostle John said at the end of his life when he was dealing with a similar false mindset that was clouding Christians’ reasoning about faith in the first century.

1 John 2:4-6

The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.

Let me be clear: I believe science is important and has improved our lives, but so much of what is called “TRUTH” by science is not truth at all. The idea and teaching of evolution in our public schools undermines believers’ trust in the word of God, and is based on speculation and conjecture not factual science. The world starts by influencing the young so that when they are adults they trust their truth rather than God’s word. Just because something “Masquerades” as truth doesn’t make it so, no matter how many people say it is true. Anyone who studies science knows science, except for laws like gravity and physics, is constantly changing as new evidence is brought forth.

We need to remember what the definition of science is:

Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. Scientific methodology includes the following: Objective observation.

Science is not speculation based on desire or hope, but rather factual information accumulated to present some kind of picture. Science is not “FAITH” in an ideology, yet in our modern world it now has become just that: a system of beliefs anchored in faith not fact. Last week an article was published about the “Tyrannosaurus Rex” stating that all the speculation on these enormous creatures was false. Originally, and since I was a kid, they were believed to grow to around 39 feet (12 meters) long — around the same size as a double-decker bus. Some individuals of the same species may have been even larger.

The New York Post ran an article in which researchers at the University of Bath and University of Chicago took a new look at the T-rex fossils. What they found contradicts all the ideas and papers about the T-rex being massive. The new study modeled the potential growth rate of the smaller T-rex’s bones and estimated that they would have grown to a maximum of between 1,984 and 3,307 pounds, only about 15% of the size of an adult T-rex. This goes to show when speculation is used in science and spoken of as fact it is in fact faith and not fact.

If we don’t study the scripture well enough to trust them we will surrender to the culture that screams science is truth, not scripture. We must study scripture more than just reading it during a 15-minute quite time each day if we are to trust it above science. Having a “Quiet Time” is like eating a power bar to start your day with some quick energy and “NOT” meant to fuel you throughout your daily life.

Psalms 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

We live in a complex world. Because the media rules communication we need to be careful not to surrender to the whims of so-called science. In just a short while we might find they were wrong about what they were declaring.

We need to remember that there are more copies of scripture from over hundreds of years to verify to the truth we hold dear. No one is more written about than Jesus in both secular and religious writings. What Jesus said should carry more weight than some political fool like Doctor Anthony Stephen Fauci, who we now know lied to us about where the COVID virus came from and how to be protected from it.

If you want God to move in your daily life trust his word by knowing it well. Don’t rely on the word of well-meaning science people, no matter how many degrees they have on their wall. Science will never save your life, but God can if you trust him more than science.


1) Do you struggle “NOT” believing in what you were taught about evolution? Try reading material by Ken Ham, the Founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis-US, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter, Ken Ham is the author of more than 25 books and an in-demand Christian.

2) Do you spend more time watching news and reading news than the Bible? If so, you will have a hard time distinguishing truth from error and thus not trust the Bible as the oldest reliable book in the world.

Isaiah 1:18 “Come Let Us Reason Together”

Pastor Dale
