As we approach the celebration of July 4th I reflect on the question, “Are People Really Free or Just Pretending?” America has so much opportunity and yet many wander through a maze of broken hopes and dreams. We spend a great amount of time, wealth and energy trying to prove to ourselves and others that we are living “the dream” when we are in fact just being fooled by all the media marketing about what really makes one free and happy.

This series is going to cover why so many of us, yes even Christians, are not truly free nor finding the joy and happiness they thought they would find in life. I want to explore an age-old concept that most have never discovered: the art and discipline of meditation. Now, before I lose some of you who think I’m going violate Christian principles and biblical values to some far off eastern mysticism, let me assure you, I’m not. I have applied this discipline ever since coming to Christ over 45 years ago.

The idea of meditation is so often assumed in the Christian culture that it is rarely, if ever, taught in the church. If it is taught, it is with such basic ideas that few walk away with a hunger to discover how it’s done well. With the internet and the fee access of bible commentary on the web, few Christians today are thought of as mediators but instead are just regurgitating ideas they read in some article.

Consider the founding fathers of America and the sacrifices they went through to successfully lead the American revolution. They sacrificed their wealth, their honor, their positions and even their lives for ideals they thought long and hard about. They did not have the legacy of a freedom already won for them like we do, they paid for it with their blood and the blood of their families and friends. Why?   They did it partially because they considered what their ancestors sacrificed when first coming to the Americas. They considered the biblical principles that their parents considered and realized the dream of a new land of freedom was fast disappearing because of the greed of man.

I think America is at a crossroads.  Are we are experiencing a tyranny similar to our forefather’s because of our lack of ability to discern right from wrong and good from bad?  We have come to believe that freedom will be handed to us on a silver platter rather than through the hard work of an individual developing a reasoning and thinking ability that can divide the fool from the wise person based on biblical principles.

Jesus spoke to his followers about hope, promise and the real need for freedom in their lives and how to obtain it. When he spoke people got bent out of shape and angry.  They didn’t like him saying they were in slavery. They didn’t like even thinking of such a concept because they hated the Roman occupation and their brutality, yet Jesus never avoided the tough subjects even when it meant losing followers. Look what Jesus said about freedom and the means to securing it.

John 8:31-32                                                                                                                                                

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” 

When you read the rest of the discourse Jesus had with his followers you see the total blindness of people in understanding the words and meaning of Jesus. When we as people jump to conclusions without thinking we almost always arrive at the wrong answer. Without the discipline of knowing how to process people’s communication, we arrive at foolish conclusions and that’s exactly what the Jewish disciples did. They let their traditional background think for them and therefore got twisted up in what Jesus was really saying. Jesus wanted real freedom for these people but His meaning was blocked by a misunderstanding  of his words.  The question is, how do we learn to think clearly?  The answer is to simply meditate on the life around us and the words of God.

King David wrote a principle of meditation that for many is long gone except for nice sermons of supportive scripture in writings. He wrote that the principle of meditation was not just philosophical but foundational in people who learned the key to real success in life. This practice was the pathway to true freedom that no one can take away from us no matter how powerful and cruel they may become. True freedom comes from applying this principle.

Psalms 1:1-3 (NKJV)                                                                                                                          

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night.

He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.

David talks about a person who has learned how to apply wisdom. Too many of us want to acquire wisdom but not use wisdom. David wanted both the acquiring and the use because he knew that true happiness only materializes when both are combined in a life long pursuit.

This is the fist article on meditation and I hope you will benefit from the journey I want to take to pursue biblical meditation as a life practice. I will explore the meditation counterfeits that have beguiled the American mind and heart to lull us to sleep in order to lose our true freedom in Christ. Be prepared to question and search to know and apply the truth.


1) Do you realize strong believers from a 100 years ago all knew how to meditate and did so for all their lives? Have you read their stories to learn what they discovered? If not, why not?

2) Do you understand that without the skill of biblical meditation you will never become a strong follower of Christ? Are you constantly learning and practicing new ways to apply your thinking?

May the Holy Spirit lead us into the truth of biblical mediation.


Pastor Dale

