Christmas time should be the easiest time of year to share our faith about Jesus and his ability to forgive our sin and give us a brand new life. The question then becomes “Why” do I and others like me struggle with testifying to Christ’s great love during the month of December? There are two previous articles on this subject and if you haven’t already read them please do so before reading this one as they all build on each other.

In the first article I wrote that God has made the road to sharing our faith so easy during the month of December by moving through our culture with music and movie. When you look back at the progression of the Christmas celebration by the secular culture, let alone the church, you can see his divine influence. As Satan’s influences on the world get more spiritually dark the Holy Spirit is also actively impacting mankind by helping it to reflect on the birth of Christ during the Christmas Season. From all the old hymns about Christ’s birth and God’s provision to cleansing the human heart, new songs are being sung by famous secular artists and the name of Jesus is being lifted up on secular radio and television. Often believers are slow to recognize the hand of God while it’s happening and often only see God moving in the “Rearview Mirror”. Christmas is one of those missed times. It’s God’s heart to reach broken and lost people, not just entertain the church.

In the second article I focused on two major reasons people don’t share about Jesus in December. One, they aren’t in a habit of sharing their personal testimony at any time so doing so in December even though it’s easier just seem out-of-place for them. Secondly, many have not had what I believe is a genuine conversion experience that moves them to obeying the commands of Jesus. These people are often sincere about regrets for their past sin, but they never moved to turning their lives over to the Lordship of Christ. Always remember, scripture testifies that if Jesus isn’t Lord of our lives then He also isn’t our Savior either. We may have had a religious or emotional experience in church, but that doesn’t constitute salvation until Jesus is Lord. Look at Romans 10, which we talked about previously concerning what Paul says constitutes being “Saved”.

Romans 10:9                                                                                                                                                                           

If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 

Paul says our confession is the Lordship of Christ and our “Belief” in the supernatural power of God through Jesus to raise from the dead. Too often professing Christians believe in a God who can forgive and yet struggle believing or accepting his super nature in real life.

In this third article on sharing Christ during the Christmas season I will be assuming that a person has been truly converted and they have made Jesus the Lord of their lives. Once we have moved into the kingdom of God there still are obstacles that hinder our walk and we must learn to challenge them and conquer them in the name of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Let’s look at one major “Obstacle” that hinders our living boldly as Christ has provided for us in our new life with Him.

One major obstacle, which often is planted in our lives early in childhood, is “Insecurity & Fear of Rejection”, which can have different manifestations due to different personalities, giftings and backgrounds. Fear, like courage, is a learned trait. If we grew up in a nurturing environment with lots of positive reinforcement from parents, teachers and friends we can learn a healthy understanding of our potential, which causes insecurity and fear of rejection to be minimized. If, however, we grew up with constant warnings of danger and vulnerability with little to no positive encouragement we can develop many avenues for fear tp become the leader in our lives.

Coming to Christ may be the first real measure of positive hope and encouragement that many experience. For some, experiencing the love of God through the example and love of Jesus becomes the defining issue that convinces them to trust God with their whole being. Even still, the insecurities come with us when we come to Christ. We may still have this formidable enemy to our soul, but now we have the means to defeat it. The whole purpose for listening to teaching through sermons and reading books is to learn the pathways to victory through the power of God.

Here is an unfortunate truth. Just because we know Christ doesn’t mean that we will learn the pathway to being victorious in our Christian life. First, we must learn from teachers that can “Unpack” truth so we can understand it. Secondly, we must submit to those truths or the truth does not benefit us. Third, we must learn and understand how to allow the Holy Spirit to work with us in this application. So, few believers incorporate these elementary principles into their walk and thus have a spotty track record in being victorious. Let me list just a few passages of scripture which illustrate these truths.

John 8:31-32                                                                                                                                                                       

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

Jesus is teaching people who have already decided to FOLLOW Him. He explains through continued exposure to His words that we will know the truth. The concept of “Knowing” is to “Allow” & “Perceive”. The truth does not make one free unless they commit to walking with Jesus and being exposed to His truth. The truth then becomes “Revealed” in its ability and power and thus we are set free. Too many sincere believers are waiting on God to set them free when God is waiting on them to apply the truth in a kingdom way …. His way!

Philippians 4:6-7                                                                                                                                                                

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Lastly, our ability to overcome things that make us anxious and afraid, even with our insecurity, rest so much on our application of biblical truth. When we choose to talk to God about things that worry us we are applying biblical truth. When we do so God moves in power to equip us to do extraordinary things, like testifying about the grace of God to a lost world. Most of us don’t have the gift of evangelism yet all of us are called to go into the world and make disciples. You can’t teach others what you yourself aren’t walking in, but we can ask God to help us overcome what we fear in order to accomplish what we know is the will of God.

Psalms 138:3                                                                                                                                                                        

On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul.

May God continue to convince our minds of the greatness of his power that can work through the weak things. May He make us bold beyond our years and training to turn the world up side down like the early saints.

In the fourth article on this topic, I will be exploring other hindrances that keep us from sharing our faith during Christmas.


1) Did you learn at an early age to doubt yourself ? Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a new perspective and outlook.

2) Are you struggling with letting God use you to help others ? Surrender your will and fear today.


Pastor Dale
