The first article in this series on thankfulness was called “The Challenge to be Thankful” in which I spoke about my own  struggle with developing a new mindset of thankfulness after coming to Christ so please read that article first as this is a continuation on that topic.

In the first article I talked about the reality of our need to change our “Nature” before coming to know the Lord and being committed to having a kingdom mindset. The apostle Paul spoke a lot on the subject and in a very logical sequential way about the literal war we often have between these two natures.  Some teachers have gone so far off the reservation to suggest that first we are born with a corrupt nature and then, when we are born again, we get a new nature, but always stumbling over explaining what our natures are constructed or dismantled by. When theologians mess around with scripture and reinterpret the word for the sake of tradition, the church develops a lopsided faith. The excuse they use is “The Church Has Always Believed This Way” and that somehow justifies wrong theology.  The explanation on “Human Nature” has been so twisted that the average Christian’s thinking of what our nature is almost morphs into a “Spiritual Organ”.  We thus believe we have no control over our nature and we just float through our lives hoping for the best while Satan laughs at the church. Paul defined how to have victory in our soul best in the book of Romans, especially Chapter 8.

So, why do I spend all this time talking about our nature in an article on being thankful?  The reason is that the human soul, which is composed of “Mind-Will-Emotions”, works together as a team in our lives.  If one of these components is weak or corrupted it affects the whole soul. If our thinking is warped or twisted, our soul be the same. Having a false sense of what we are in control of makes a huge difference as to the outcome of our efforts to change and become like Christ. If, however, I believe as so many Christians have been taught that I can’t change my nature I will not be willing to put in the effort to do so and follow scripture, especially about things like being and expressing thankfulness. We were meant to read and study scripture that our mind might become healthy and transformed and thus motivate our soul to be the same. What we believe about the process of transformation determines how far the Holy Spirit can take us down that road. If I believe spiritual transformation is purely God’s responsibility I will leave it up to him to change me.  However, if I believe I am meant to “Partner” with the Holy Spirit to be transformed then I know what I do or don’t do makes all the difference in the world. Look at what Paul shares about the importance of learning and applying biblical truth.

Colossians 3:16-17                                                                                                                                                                                         Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

King David gives us “Many Reasons” for giving thanks. He explains that it’s because God is good and because of His love.

Psalms 107:1.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good for His lovingkindness is everlasting.

David wasn’t just being legalistic and saying we should be thankful “Just Because” but because God is so good!

2 Samuel 22:2-4     “PERSONAL EXPERIENCE”

“The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; My savior, You save me from violence. “I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, And I am saved from my enemies.

David said because God is my Rock, Fortress, Deliverer, Refuge & Stronghold he was delighted to be thankful and praise God for who he was and what he has done. David illustrates what trust in God should look like and how these things should be in our lives as well. Remember, the Psalms were meant to be sung by the Jews at their weekly service.  The point of the Holy Spirit letting us see into David’s life is to motivate us to believe for the same kind of relationship with God. How unfortunate when church leaders teach scripture as “Do’s & Don’ts” rather than as revelation of what our walk can be if we apply ourselves.

2 Samuel 22:7 –      “GOD LISTENS”                                                                                                                                                                 In my distress I called upon the LORD, yes I cried to my God; and from His temple He heard my voice, and my cry for help came into His ears.

David says he is thankful because God listens to him.  When was the last time you realized you were blessed beyond measure because the creator of the universe listens to your prayers? It’s so easy to overlook the goodness of God when we are in a personal battle, like a financial burden or a health issue.  How easy to overlook the many ways God responds to us even when we have a bad attitude or poor behavior.

2 Samuel 22:29     “GOD IS A LIGHT & OUR STRENGTH”                                                                                                              “For You are my lamp, O LORD; and the LORD illumines my darkness.

When was the last time you thanked God for giving you a set of brains when you surrendered to Christ and saw that you were now living a life headed towards transformation? I have been a believer now for 48 years and still I tear up when I talk with others about how God saved my soul from such a foolish life and gave me wisdom and insight from His word.

2 Samuel 22:40.       “GOD GIVES STRENGTH FOR BATTLE”                                                                                                                      “For You have girded me with strength for battle;

If you need one more reason to be thankful, here it is. More and more researchers are finding that gratitude doesn’t just make you feel like a better person, it’s actually good for your health. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realize that if I focus on things that I’m grateful for and actually express thanks to people and the Lord my disposition improves and my outlook towards the future becomes positively fruitful. My body also is healthier because it’s not dealing with depression and worry.

When God’s word tells us to be thankful and praise the Lord because he is good it is trying to motivate us to develop a healthy “New Nature” out of a habit pattern that becomes second nature to us. To be honest, some people like my wife are wired to have a happy positive disposition. For me, I have to work harder at it, but both of us have a responsibility to become a “Better Person” because we affect others around us. I can’t tell you how many times my wife and I are meeting people and Sue starts engaging people and brightening their day. To be honest, sometimes it irritates me because I am driven to get moving, but she chooses to engage in the moment. Both our personalities are God-given before we ever were born, but what we do with those personalities can make all the difference in the world.

Let me close with a few things I’m grateful for.

I’m grateful for a merciful God that provided for me even before I was born.

I’m grateful for the ability to receive forgiveness from God even when the sin I committed was intentional.

I’m grateful for a mind that can comprehend the word of God to be transformed.

I’m grateful that the Holy Spirit constantly counsels my soul even when I am not paying attention.

What are you thankful for? Tell someone. When was the last time you got with a group of friends and steered the conversation towards everyone saying what they were thankful for in 2018?  Why not do it on this Thanksgiving Day!


Do you need to improve you “Attitude of Gratitude” this year? You have one month to do better!

Have you looked at 2019 and strategized how you want to live it?  Include an increase in expressing thanks!


Pastor Dale
