Learning to have balance in our lives is becoming harder and harder to achieve partly because we all develop our sense of values and character by the actions of others. When heroes of character are in short supply, and I do believe they are in our day and age, we can lose heart in pursuing a high standard in our own personal lives.

Children can experience and appreciate heroes in their lives either from personal encounters or through stories. I believe, because kids can “imagine” heroes in their imagination far easier than adults,  that often they are far better off than adults. This, in my mind, is a gift. When you grow up and become an adult it takes lots of factual information to push a person from being ordinary into the hero category. This is unfortunate.

We need people in our lives that are bigger than life and who spur us to develop the hidden greatness that God has planted in each soul. This potential greatness will never be developed if there are no heroes or if real heroes are smeared by people who betray the importance of honesty for personal gain. These “deception” developers are more than liars. They are “destroyers” of imagination and hope.

When I was a kid, it was John Wayne who was one of the heroes of my generation.  He was the rough and tumble guy who wasn’t perfect but who stood for things of value regardless of the personal cost to himself.  He could be in a movie about a cowboy or a submarine commander in WWII. He always portrayed the guy you wanted to become. But, movie makers shifted story telling in the 70s and 80s and to be “more honest about the flaws in heroes lives to the point that the good guy didn’t even win.  He was a just mixture of both good and evil. Though this may be a more honest betrayal of reality, in some people’s lives it strips away the “idealistic necessity” we all need to develop as better people and better citizens in this broken world.

When we read stories as adults about characters like King David of Israel fighting the giant Goliath we understand that he had a “measure of integrity” that was greater than the average person. He didn’t run from a fight.  He stood up to the bully of his day and overcame him. This importance of integrity is what develops the greatness in us and must be fueled by the example of others.  Let me show what one writer says about “integrity”.


Integrity: “Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character” is how Dictionary.com defines integrity.   Stephen M.R. Covey in The Speed of Trust points out that integrity is more than honesty. He explains, “a person has integrity when there is no gap between intent and behavior . . . when he or she is whole, seamless, the same – inside and out.” He calls it “congruence.”

It’s walking the talk and modeling the behaviors you expect of others.  Leave accurate impressions and do the right thing even when it’s tough!  Always convey genuine motives and do not have hidden agendas.

Frequently, our attention is called to people who lack integrity or have significant integrity lapses.  Sometimes there may be real issues and, at other times, it’s the impression created by the media, opponents, or people with an agenda.  Who lacks integrity and who is creating false or misleading impressions is often unclear. The result is suspicion of both sides. ….Steve Weitzenkorn 

If our lifestyle does not demonstrate a measure of integrity we shouldn’t expect God will help us overcome the difficulties of life.  Some mistakenly believe that because they call themselves “Christians” that God is always on their side and will rescue them.  Far from it, when you consider what Scripture says in the Book of James.

James 1:5-6 

But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He is generous to everyone and will give you wisdom without criticizing you. But when you ask God, you must believe and not doubt. Anyone who doubts is like a wave in the sea, blown up and down by the wind. Such doubters are thinking two different things at the same time, and they cannot decide about anything they do. They should not think they will receive anything from the Lord.

In other words, if we don’t possess and pursue some measure of integrity, God will hear our prayer but will often withhold his assistance because we demonstrate a double life.  One minute we are for acting like a Christian and the other we are not.

I would like to use a Psalm that David wrote to illustrate this importance of integrity when approaching God for help. In this Psalm, David asks God to “vindicate” him because of his integrity.  As you read through this short Psalm you see David asking God to “examine” his heart and his conduct.

Psalms 26:1-12 

[1] Vindicate me, O LORD, for I have walked in my integrity, And I have trusted in the LORD without wavering. Examine me, O LORD, and try me; Test my mind and my heart. For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes, And I have walked in Your truth.

[4] I do not sit with deceitful men, Nor will I go with pretenders. I hate the assembly of evildoers, And I will not sit with the wicked.

[5] I shall wash my hands in innocence, And I will go about Your altar, O LORD, That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving And declare all Your wonders. O LORD, I love the habitation of Your house and the place where Your glory dwells.

[9] Do not take my soul away along with sinners, nor my life with men of bloodshed, In whose hands is a wicked scheme, And whose right hand is full of bribes.

[11] But as for me, I shall walk in my integrity; Redeem me, and be gracious to me. My foot stands on a level place; In the congregations I shall bless the LORD.

Let me close with a warning and an encouragement.

After watching and reading the news about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, I believe we are witnessing a slandering of Judge Kavanaugh’s integrity for the sake of political gain.  When leaders of our nation believe slander without evidence over a lifetime of integrity, judgement is coming…..no matter the political party.

Secondly, we need to admit that no one has a perfect past and we all stumble in our conduct. This is not to justify anyone, but to admit that we are all broken people in need of the healing touch of Christ.  As the body of Christ, we need to stand for people who have not just talked about being “good” but who have years of actions to illustrate and defend them in the public. As Children of God we need to defend those among us who are standing for high ethical values so that we all can follow their example.


1) Is there someone who you know who is being attacked by other’s lies about them? Defend them.

2) Is God calling you to be a person of greatness? Stand with other heroes.

May God grant us the strength and power to defend the heroes in our midst.


Pastor Dale
