When I became a believer in Jesus Christ and embraced him as the Lord of my life I understood that all other idols in my life needed to bow to Christ lordship. The truth is I resisted becoming a Christian for just that reason. I truly “Loved” certain things and was always “Sacrificing” for them. For 9 months I was under constant conviction yet was so stubborn that it took hitting a car that was stationary with my motorcycle at 55 mph to get me to cry out for help to the Lord.

Even then, within 24 hours after the accident I was convinced, with the help of my friends, that I was a brilliant rider that beat the odds.  What I couldn’t shake was the fact that I had no bruises, broken bones or any physical damage to prove I had ever been in a crash.  Just a short time later I hit another car head on at 45 mph and again not one sign on my body that I had experienced an accident or was in one. Right after the second accident I was yelling at an old woman in the car that hit me and I heard a voice (thought it was audible but not sure) that said “No More Chances” and I fell to the ground knowing God was “Ticked Off” with me and I better watch out. Not long after that I yielded to Christ and his Lordship knowing this was for keeps.

You see, idols can keep you trapped in a deception that keeps you bound and broken. My idols were typical of a teenager. I loved cars, motorcycles and music.  They were probably my first and foremost idols.   Lastly, it was music. Buying a sound system for my car and “4 Track Tapes”…….. and yes I said “4 track” as I was in my teenage years in the 60s! By the time I turned 18 years old the “8 Track” was the new thing. The next idol in my life was motorcycles. I loved to go fast and take risks so this was the perfect idol for a young man seeking an adrenalin rush. I share these idols so there is no mistake about what an idol might be. It can be things like cars or it can be a job or education. Anything that binds you to that thing or object and makes you a slave to it is an idol.  I believe alcoholics and drug addicts have the hardest time admitting they have a problem.

Here is the thing. Idols are not just in the Old Testament or an age gone by. Many of us still have idols in our lives but we just don’t call them that today. We often call them”Hobbies or Passions” yet they are every bit as important as those of the Old Testament idols and still have the same warning from God. They often are not challenged by our churches or pastors for various reasons and in fact are often embraced by Christian leaders. If your christian life looks too much like the world you more than likely have a number of idols.

When Israel was coming out of Egypt they had a very hard time following Moses or the Lord. As soon as Moses went up the mountain to speak with God his own brother built a golden cafe.

Exodus 32:1-5 

The people saw that a long time had passed and Moses had not come down from the mountain. So they gathered around Aaron and said, “Moses led us out of Egypt, but we don’t know what has happened to him. Make us gods who will lead us.”

Aaron said to the people, “Take off the gold earrings that your wives, sons, and daughters are wearing, and bring them to me.” [3] So all the people took their gold earrings and brought them to Aaron. [4] He took the gold from the people and formed it with a tool and made a statue of a calf. Then the people said, “Israel, these are your gods who brought you out of the land of Egypt!”

When Aaron saw all this, he built an altar before the calf and announced, “Tomorrow there will be a special feast to honor the LORD.” 

The generation that was freed from slavery never moved into transformation because they kept idols in the hearts and in their tents. This same generation was promised the promised land flowing with milk and honey only to be kept wandering in the wilderness for 40 years until they all died except Caleb and Joshua who were 100% committed to God and his ways.

When I became a believer I considered my life as being “bought” by Christ’s death on the cross, not so I could do my own thing, but to do his. My time, money and talent were now at God’s disposal.  At first my parents liked the new me because I wasn’t this rebellious, proud and arrogant son, but that soon changed.  Within a year the new me was becoming a frustration for my parents because I worked tirelessly in reaching and helping others know the Savior I had found. My father, in fact, yelled at me numerous times about giving my time and talent away and not getting anything in return. The whole concept of giving your idols up for a faith in a person you can’t see was stupid and foolish to them.

Being a person who got saved during the “Jesus Movement” in California was a time of supernatural engagement. We saw miracles because we were sold out to Jesus. When I look at the average believer today they are constantly struggling with how much room they are willing to give to God in their finances or their relationships. This should have been resolved at the point of their conversion but they are like the Israelites who were removed from slavery, but never reached their promised land or truly found peace with God.

The generation that grew up in the wilderness had learned the habits of their parents and developed personal idols even though they had never known the slavery of their parents. They became slaves to their own desires and therefore God challenged them to make a choice, either serve the Lord with their whole heart and abandon their personal idols or suffer the abandonment of God.

Joshua 24:14-15

So honor the LORD and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the LORD alone. But if you are unwilling to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD.”

Joshua knew that idol worship had ruined his parents generation and was ready to do the same to his generation. Each generation has to decide whom they will serve. The God of miracles and provision or the gods of our own making who can neither speak or act on our behalf.


1) Are their “still” idols in your life? You can’t serve them and the Lord so chose rightly.

2) If you struggle with giving up your own idols, call your pastor. He can pray a prayer of deliverance.

Luke 16:13 

No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”


Pastor Dale
