The problem with humanity is that we have a very small perspective on greatness. We get so captivated by the latest tech gear. I remember when the first iPhone came out. I was there, waiting in line for hours, something I have never done for anything else. All to buy a phone that became obsolete within a few short years.

I grew up in Northern California, right in the midst of one of the wonders of the world and it wasn’t even man-made. In Santa Cruz California they have some of the most amazing redwood trees in the world. But, being young I just wanted to get out-of-town and see America. At 18 years old, I left town and traveled across the United States to discover what’s out there all the while not paying attention to what was right in front of my face. I didn’t really appreciate the beauty of what I had until I lived in other states and couldn’t see them or touch them. One day I came across a picture of these majestic trees and I felt robbed of their greatness, now that I lived elsewhere. Here are some simple facts that illustrate the greatness of these giant trees if you have never seen or touched them before.

The tallest trees in the world are redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens), which tower above the ground along the California coastline.  These trees can easily reach heights of 300 feet and more (91 meters). Among the redwoods, a tree named Hyperion dwarfs them all. The tree was discovered in 2006, and is 379.7 feet (115.7 m) tall. (Records as of 2013)

Jesus spoke to people who had the same short slightness as we do today. Maybe they didn’t have an iPhone to drool over, but they still got captivated by the works of mankind and lost sight of what the Creator had given them in Himself.

Mark 13:1-6 

As Jesus was leaving the Temple that day, one of his disciples said, “Teacher, look at these tremendous buildings! Look at the massive stones in the walls!” Jesus replied, “These magnificent buildings will be so completely demolished that not one stone will be left on top of another.”

Later, Jesus sat on the slopes of the Mount of Olives across the valley from the Temple. Peter, James, John, and Andrew came to him privately and asked him, “When will all this take place? And will there be any sign ahead of time to show us when all this will be fulfilled?”

Jesus replied, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, 6because many will come in my name, claiming to be the Messiah. They will lead many astray.”

Here was the Son of God, right before their eyes and they are getting star struck by old building! They got so use to having Jesus around they started to take His presence for granted. I think that’s the same with most of us. God is trying to show us things and teach of about life and all the while we are captivated by things around us that are man-made. Have you ever wondered or even considered that God created such wonder in the earth and sky to grab our attention to illustrate not only his abilities to make things, but also to solve our deepest longing and needs?

Psalms 19:1-4

The heavens tell of the glory of God – the skies display his marvelous craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak – night after night they make Him known.They speak without a sound or a word – their voice is silent in the skies; yet their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to all the world.

I often wonder how in the world Adam and Eve could have been so stupid as to trade the matchless wonder of a relationship with their Creator for a pipe-dream fueled by the satanic counsel of a liar called Satan. As God was filling the earth with wonder, Satan was filling Adam and Eve’s heads with accusations on God’s character and his wonderful love. Do you ever wake up some days and ask the question, “Why is there so much anger, hatred, jealousy, and violence in the world? Sure looks like an orchestrated plan by a diabolical evil to rip our heart and soul away form the only one who can make us truly whole. Scripture paints the picture of a war being waged for the heart and minds of humanity. His voice speaks in such subtle ways in which we almost don’t persevere it. Like radio or TV waves floating all around us, we don’t even know they are there until we have a tuner to bring the signal into our awareness. So often Satan and his demons speak in our heads and mask those voices like ours so we think they are our thoughts. How diabolical, yet convincing!

God on the other hand is speaking in clearly in defining ways if we just paid attention! His word speaks about who He is and what our problem is. The word defines not only the cancer that is eating away at our souls, it reveals that there is a great physician who has a treatment that will once again make us whole.

Years after traveling around the world, I had the opportunity to travel with Sue, my wife, back to my home town and Henry Cowell National Park where many majestic redwood trees are. We walked through the park, smelling the trees unique smell as only redwoods can smell. We picked up the bark which is also so unique, soft and almost spongy that one would wonder how could this protect such majestic creatures as these that grow over 400 feet high. We walked with friends Sue and I have had for over 40 year; The same people I found Christ with so many years ago. While walking, I was amazed at one important thing. I have a tendency to overlook things that are important. I tend to take things for granted without even realizing it.

Don’t let the world and all the trappings of man fool you. One day all these things will fade away and the only thing that is consistent that we can truly rely on is God’s love for us and his abundant provision of signals to that fact. Take time to look around and see what your Creator has done and be captivated by his outward expression of love. If you do, it will change your day, month, year and life. If you don’t notice what He is doing your spiritual eyes will grow dim day by day until you can’t see whats important anymore. You will embrace the darkness where there is not hope of love or redemption. This is called despair and so many are moving like a speeding train towards this outcome even today.


I overlooked the creation in the redwoods. What are you overlooking? Thank God for that special illustration.

Have you overlooked the greatness of the scriptures and rarely read them? Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to them.

May the Holy Spirit guide us out of darkness, however subtle it may be.


Pastor Dale
