Have you ever considered how trusting we are at times?

Take Flying for instance. If you get on a Airbus 340-500 or bigger plane, you probably never met the pilot, yet you have faith he can operate the plane safely and get you to your destination in one piece. How do you know he has enough experience flying a piece of metal that weighs 805,000 pounds? The plane can carry 372 passengers and fly over 4,000 miles on one tank of fuel. It can fly at 567 miles an hour and is 223 feet long. Wow! We seem to just accept by “Faith” that the pilot can handle it. But why do we have such faith?

Maybe we have faith because we have known others who fly and they say it’s safe. But why should we take others word for granted on something so important? This is our life we are taking about. Well ……. maybe we were designed to live a life of faith and not fear?

Faith is a funny thing. We often take it for granted that things are trustworthy until proven otherwise. We trust our cars when there are thousands of parts that make it work, never giving it a second thought of its complexity until we get a repair bill that seems way too high.

We take for granted that there will be air to breath and sunlight to grow our food, yet don’t think much about the possibility of God providing such necessities. Even science can’t explain why the laws of the universe are, just that they are. Weird isn’t it that we believe science more than God? When if the scientist are honest, they can only figure out the “What”, but not the “Why”?

As we celebrate Easter, people will be reflecting on the generosity of God. Well, some will. That in spite of us screwing up our lives and violating God’s intentions with ourselves and this world, he not only wants to forgive but he is also willing and able to restore. There is only one thing that prevents Him from doing so ….. “Faith”. If we refuse to trust Him, then redemption can’t happen. In spite of his tremendous gift of forgiveness and restoration, nothing takes place unless we have faith in Him. Redemption and restoration are conditional on cooperation.

Romans 5:1-2 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, [2] through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exalt in hope of the glory of God.

Justification is taking place when God’s offer of forgiveness is engaged by our faith. Jesus paid the price, but the offer requires faith to be activated.


1) Are you waiting for God to do what only you can do – engage in faith?

2) Are you trying to do what only God can do – save you from yourself ?

Have a Blessed Easter.

Pastor Dale
