Before we had electricity, we had candles and oil lamps. It wasn’t for comfort so much as it was for the purpose of seeing in the dark. Spiritually, the same idea can be applied to prayer.

Candles have a way of making us feel warm and cozy even in warm weather. When visiting Hawaii recently, I would see candles and torches burning all over the place. Along the beach, at the pools, at restaurants and just about anywhere people want to set the mood of warmth and comfort. It also helps tourist spend money!

Since I grew up in a non-religious home, we didn’t go to church and light candles for others, but I was always curious why people did it. It is my understanding that Catholic’s and Orthodox Christians lite candles as a prayer for other people. For Jewish people they would light candles to start the sabbath at sun-down. For me I just like to light candles and watch the flames. I love camp fires to just sit and veg. Fires have such a hypnotic affect and I can almost melt watching the flames dance.

Today I was reading in the book of Colossians were Paul challenges the believers to “Devote Yourself” to prayer. (a reminder I needed)

Colossians 4:2 (NASB) Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;

Funny, because this morning I started out confessing and repenting of not praying more. Now mind you I pray throughout each day, but don’t have long protracted “seasons” of prayer like I use to in my early days as a believer.

During the first 10-15 years of my faith walk, I spent hours in prayer by myself and with others. I was exposed to teachers like E. M. Bound and others that had a practice of praying during long periods of time. I was convinced that I needed prayer for a number of reasons, so I will just share a few in order to encourage all of us of the importance of engaging in prayer in a greater way. By the way, prayer is meant to be a lifestyle not just an event or tradition.

First, prayer helps you develop a closer relationship with your Heaven Father. “One on One” makes more sense when trying to hear His voice. To often we want worship music to get us closer. Worship is meant to be a place of appreciation and adoration, but so many have turned it into a time of spiritual “Fix” when it was never meant to be our “Soul” healer.

Second, prayer helps us to reinforce our submission to our Heavenly Father. Jesus taught his disciples to pray for God’s kingdom to come, where we reinforce our original decision to live for God. To pray for God’s help in establishing his rule in our hearts. I don’t know about your heart, but mine needs constant reminders that God should be in charge of me and not me in charge of me.

Thirdly, by praying, I release the hand of God for my provision. Ever wonder why God doesn’t answer more of your prayers? I know for me, it is often my lack of asking that doesn’t convince my faith that God can. One of the objectives of prayer is seeing from God’s perspective and realizing there is no problem He can’t handle. I just need to spend enough time talking with him. Once my faith grows, I move from hoping to believing.

Lastly, lengthy prayer helps develop a dialogue. To often prayer is a one way street where we tell God what we want and then close the “Meeting”down. Prayer is meant to open our soul to a deep relationship with our creator not just be a Santa Clause once a year. Satan is behind so much of our busyness so we aren’t aware of the time we have wasted. Remember, You only have this life to live and when it’s all used, we are done.


1) Will we respond to the Holy Spirit and start praying more like prayer was the answer?

2) Do we see the need to take a little more time to pray so that we can know our creator better, thus trust him more?

3) Can we make the time to have the time to pray better? Our supply depends on doing our part.

I need to pray more “regularly” because the Holy Spirit is speaking to me today….. how about you!
