When most of us celebrate Christmas, we often have feelings of tenderness and joy. Even if we had a rough childhood, with a dysfunctional family we can still reflect on Christmas as a special and wonderful time. There’s something about the story of God loving us and sending Jesus that warms us.

For me, my family was anything but normal. Yelling and arguments were the norm so much so that my friends rarely came to my house to play because of my parents. Yet when Christmas came around, my heart would rise with an expectation that something good was coming. I know part of it was wrapped around presents, but it was more than that. I felt God was trying to communicate with me more during that season than at any other time of year. Maybe it was all the Christmas music, maybe it was all the decorations or maybe it really was God trying to get through to me that He was there and He cared about me personally.

Christmas can be a very difficult time of the year for many because once the decorations are all put away, our expectations of good can be overshadowed by the feeling that this was just a fantasy.

I believe the first “real” Christmas was anything but peace and joy. Joseph and Mary had a rough journey getting to Bethlehem let alone what they faced once they arrived. Nobody wanted to help them. A barn was all they could get which had to smell terrible with all the animals they shared their space with.

Do you think that God should have helped them?
Do you think Jesus deserved better since he was the son of God?

Maybe you are going through a rough time right now and you wonder where God is. Why doesn’t he help you in your difficult time? Doesn’t he care or love you?

Consider Jesus’ earthly parents and their struggles bringing Jesus into the world. Everything seemed to speak to them that God in fact did not care and did not love them, but they kept going in their journey to Bethlehem to fulfill a purpose they were called to. They were called to bring into the world a Savior, and the road to such a calling had danger and frustration at every turn; yet they kept their eyes on the truth they knew and in spite of the struggle, changed the world.

For those of you who struggle at this time – Remember what you know more than what you feel. Feelings are fleeting, but truth is constant. Keep your eyes on the truth you know and let God lead you even if the road is hard. He still loves you regardless of the difficulties of the journey.

Know that Jesus’ earthly parents took each step in faith. I’m sure they had fears and disappointments, but they kept their eyes on the truth that God loved them and had a wonderful plan for their lives and the lives they would touch.

Know that we are called to make a difference in this world, like Joseph and Mary, but the journey will not be complete unless we keep our eyes on the truth we know of the matchless love of God.

May this Christmas be a breakthrough year because we didn’t give in to fear or disappointment, no matter how real they are, but rather, trusted our Heavenly Father all the way, like Joseph and Mary.

Pastor Dale
