I’m reading a new book that many of you will find beneficial and just might save you from a lot of pain.

The book is “Killing Kryptonite” by John Bevere.
John says – “As Christians, there is a “kryptonite” that neutralizes our God-given power and character.”

Recently, I lost my balance and fell from a ladder from the first story roofline onto a cement patio at my house in Charlotte, NC. I had been working on installing gutter guards on the first story of my house and now was moving to accomplish the same thing on the second story, with the help of my son-in-law.

Somehow, I lost my balance because I shifted my weight reaching to grab a ladder Val was passing to me, and down I went. The next thing I knew, I was sitting in a chair and Sue was talking to me. I lost about 20 minutes where I couldn’t make heads or tails of what happened, nor how I got to be sitting in the chair where I found myself.

Sue told me and the doctors in the hospital, she saw me fall. She said once she got to me I was shaking and making no sense, nor could I understand her questions. The doctor then had me do a CAT scan where they run this solution through your blood system and put you in a tunnel to scan for any damage in your whole body, both organs and bones. End result – concussion, broken wrist, left leg ripped up and a shoulder and arm banged up as well.

One week later, I’m still in pain and feeling like a truck hit me. I often am awake when I should be sound asleep because of the pain. I have some black and blue areas that look hideous.

So here’s the moral of my story and the suggestion for any who care to have a listening ear:

You can lose your balance in life no matter how skilled and experienced you are. Take it from one who knows all too well.

Pr 23:19
Listen, my son, and be wise,
And direct your heart in the way.

Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to be our guide in life, but if we are too busy or too “skilled” to listen, we just might lose our balance and pay a heavy price.

The Challenge –

Decide today you’re going to submit to the counsel of the Holy Spirit “before” you start your next week’s journey. It may just save you from a boat load of pain and lost time and, in the end, maybe even save your life.

Pastor Dale
