Having a number of conversations lately about being generous with people we meet caused me to think of one of my favorite books, especially during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season we are heading into.

This book is a great story of people learning that generosity is often is as simple as putting your spare change in a jar and then finding a person to give it to. It’s a short read and would be a great book to read with your kids let alone for yourself.

At my last church, we made it a yearly event to pass out canning jars a number of months before Christmas and then the week before Christmas we would find a person to bless. We would pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to just the right person who need the encouragement. We would try not to look at the persons outward condition in choosing them, say a person in poor clothing, but anyone that need a touch from God to know they were loved by God. I can’t tell you how many times people were surprised at the impact this kind of generosity would or could have on someone.

Pr 11:25
The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

Let me leave you with this challenge:

Start saving your change now until the week before Christmas. In an average canning jar you can get around $100-175 depending on how much silver you collect. Ask God who you should bless with it. Try to look for people you don’t know, but for whom God would love to impact with His and your love.

Don’t make the gift all complicated, just walk up to the person and say, “I have a Christmas gift for you. I’ve saved it over a number of months just to bless someone and God put you on my heart – Merry Christmas!

Trust me it will be the best gift you will give. You may never see that person again but you will have impacted a life-like you never have before.

Pastor Dale
