I am amazed at how few people today can’t or won’t use their God-given ability to think through problems honestly.

We use to teach in our schools, how to think clearly and rationally, to solve life’s problems. The ability of reason to solve problems is not something that comes naturally, but must be taught. I fear that in both k-12 and college and universities, students are taught “What” to think instead of how to think.

Today kids and adults are told they “Deserve” certain rights in life. That life should automatically be fair and make us happy. If you are awake you know by experience that’s a lie!

Peter, one of the original 12 disciples of Jesus, saw how easy it was for Christians to think poorly, and start calling evil behavior good just because they thought they were special.

He wrote in 1 Peter 2:16,

“Live as free people, but do not use your freedom
as an excuse to do evil. Live as servants of God”.

I see so many in America today upset because they woke up after the election in November, and discovered that the blessings of freedom that the constitution prescribes, also include guidelines of how freedom should be used. Many on the left side of politics thought wrongly that their personal freedoms were purely for their own consumption, regardless of how it affected others…like abortion. They say they believe in “Choice” but fail to admit their choices were killing the choice of life of the unborn.

As Christians, it is so easy for us to judge others as being ignorant or stupid all the while we actually are distorting the reason why we have freedom from our own past sins. Peter says it’s to live as servants of God to do good.

The politically left in our government, are crying like babies because they are being required to use their authority to do good and not just live as they please. Like children who want desert without first eating their dinner, they are doing everything in their power to stop the change that president Trump was elected to bring. Instead of asking a “Reasonable” question of why were they loosing authority in government, they are blaming the President and his appointees as the problem. You know you are acting like spoiled children when you are required to act civilly like you demanded others to act before. How easy it is to have a double standard when things don’t go your way.

Let me close with this question:

What are you and I doing in our lives that we call good, but is actually not? Maybe we wouldn’t call it evil, but we know it’s not good either. Being adults requires honest evaluation.

I don’t know about you, but I need to evaluate my life daily, with God’s help, to be confident I’m not covering up poor choices with good excuses. I am very good at coming up with poor logic to justify my desires.

May God help us to be the kind of people God hopes we will be, to touch a world that is terribly broken without God’s grace.

Heb 4:16
Let us, then, feel very sure that we can come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we can receive mercy and grace to help us when we need it.

Pastor Dale
