For the last few days, I have been thinking of one captivating concept, motivated by a picture of my daughter-in-law’s & son’s baby. Let me explain.

Dusti took this picture of Shepherd as she was greeting him because she delights in the fact that Shepherd lights up like a Christmas tree every time he sees her now. It is a learned response and not automatic.

The Lord spoke to my heart the moment I saw the picture:

“Do you know how I love seeing you smile when you notice me and are aware of my presence?”

For a few days now, I have been thinking of Shepherd and his response to Dusti, and my response to my heavenly Father’s face.


1) Have I learned to respond to his presence with delight or do I take his kindness and generosity for granted?

2) Do I rush into telling God what I want and need without telling him how much I value his relationship to me?

3) Do I long to see God’s face like Shepherd longs to see Dusti’s?

I am so often captivated by life’s complexities and busyness that I often rush into God’s presence to drop off my “shopping list” of concerns without valuing who He is to me. I know I should seek God daily, but think I all to often overlook his enjoyment of seeing my response of acknowledgement how good He is.

Long ago, King David wrote about the importance of seeking God’s face, not just for provision, but for rightly saying thanks. To say we respect someone and not acknowledge their value to us is a pipe-dream. All to often our respect is very shallow or not real at all.

Ps 27:8
When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You,
“Your face, O LORD, I shall seek.”

Today, I will endeavor to seek God’s face, to smile like Shepherd smiles when he sees his mother’s face.

I will strive to give my heavenly Father thanks first for who he is rather than first asking for help.

I will focus my attention on the wonder of his love for me and not take it for granted as I so often do.

Maybe you, like me, will smile uncontrollably when we sense the Father looking at us, and cause a measure of delight to fill his heart.

Loving God today,

Pastor Dale
