Well, If you have hung in there in your fast since Monday, you have now reached the half-way mark to completing this awesome journey with your fellow fasters. We are going fast!
Many times we fail to observe healthy disciplines because we try to develop them alone, and then the enemy tries to discourage any spiritual growth. If we find other believers to link up with in our proposed spiritual disciplines, whether of reading the word, praying, tithing or any other pursuit, we gain the courage and the passion to push through to our goal and not let the pain hold us back. All because others are cheering us on.
My heart is warm today as I have read your many stories of your own personal fast. How you felt you couldn’t or wouldn’t fast, and yet you watched your brothers and sisters doing it and gave into the voice of God to fast yourself. Never underestimate what God can do if we are just willing to trust the Lord and not our fleshly appetites.