If you have not read my first post from yesterday (1/18) please do so as this post will make more sense.

Jesus was asked by John the Baptist’s disciples why Jesus’ disciples didn’t fast like John’s or the Pharisees. Here is Jesus’ reply – remember John’s disciples were the good guys –

Matt 9:14. Question about Fasting

Then the disciples of John came to Him, asking, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but Your disciples do not fast?”
And Jesus said to them, “The attendants of the bridegroom cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they?
But the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.

From this passage we should conclude that Jesus expected his disciples to fast once Jesus returned to the Father.

Question is why?
Here are my thoughts on the matter –

Without the person of Jesus being tangibly with us, it’s so easy to get our eyes on the wrong thing, and before you know it, we claim we are In Christ, when in truth, we are just religious people claiming to walk with Jesus when we are just living on autopilot.

As a confession, I am pretty confident about my walk with Christ most of the time, until I have some undistracted time to let the Holy Spirit search my heart. Sometimes I realize what I thought was the mind of Jesus was just my own perspective and will speaking. Studying the word for years can give you a false sense of comfort “Without” God!

Fasting is a way for all of us to take time to get with the Holy Spirit in an undistracted way, and let him speak clearly to our hearts. Not while we are driving, or doing the dishes etc.

For me, during this fast, I felt like the Holy Spirit told me to go through the whole New Testament. At first I thought, that’s pretty bold to think I could do so in two weeks! Then I felt like the Holy Spirit told me to post that goal, not to boast, but so I couldn’t chicken out on that goal He set for me. Don’t you just love accountability!

So here is the deal –

1) Are you taking the time you would normally take to eat your meals, and carving out time to get alone with God?

2) Are you letting the Holy Spirit speak to you about what portion of the Bible you should read? It doesn’t have to be the whole NT, but it should be something you feel personally directed to, and are willing to read. (Tell someone what your goal is and you are more likely to do it.)

Let me leave you with this promise –

Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit would be our comforter & guide. Take the time during this fast to let Him speak and comfort your heart.

Love you all!

Pastor Dale
